Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Frugal Baby Boomer

The reason for my blog today is to convince myself that I can become a more frugal baby boomer. Yes, it is very hard these days because once the rent is paid - well - your almost broke. But I do love my neighbourhood and my apartment so I have no plans to move any time soon. I hear that the waiting lists for co-op housing is just crazy.

What exactly did I do that was free today? Again, the operative word is free! Well, I went for a lovely walk through my neighbourhood and did some networking with my business cards at the same time. I did spend the time to tell some neighbours what  my stay at home business was all about. Hopefully, next year that will bring me in some large income. I am working on it. At least this year it will be a good tax write off.

I did do some exercising - and - had apple slices for lunch. The thing is this I do pizza and a movie that I own tonight with a good friend and we go half's on the pizza - so that is being frugal.

Beating myself up over money just isn't going to cut it as next month is Xmas. But, my New Year's Resolution will be to become more money conscious and stick to a budget. It is a little hard when you have to throw in dental costs even if it mostly covered. That is still about $40.00 out of pocket but I shouldn't complain some people are paying tons of money on dental expenses. Prescriptions cost me too but again I am mostly covered by my work plan so that is again - manageable.

Seeking out a part-time job is my new avenue to get some extra income. I applied to all the stores that are walking distance to my place - but - nothing - and it is almost Xmas. I think a lot of stores have seen low sales and they are just not hiring any staff. Even the agency I am listed with - they never seen to have anything worth my while. I will just plug away at my stay at home business and hope that things really pick up.

I think that getting my hair and nails done are a necessity. Yes, us woman love to look good. I can forget about the pedicures for the winter. One thing that really peeves me off is the cost of vitamins - you use to get those covered by your work drug plan but that is long gone. Just like eye drops or anything else if they are off the shelf you pay full price. Darn it all!

Well, because I am a Shopper's Drugmart Coupon Queen I have to watch that too! Sometimes I just stay out of the shops. Being a social butterfly I try to get my friends to eat out at cheaper places cause that can really add up too.

I think that there should be better rent control. They just keep raising up the rents every single year. Not so great for those of us on a very limited budget.

Meeting a great man would be wonderful - but - ya gotta be careful what you wish for. I hate on-line dating but I do meet people all the time through the work I do but so far not the right one. Some people split rent with partners but alas I am single and that so far is not an option for me. I rather be on my own then be with an abusive partner. Once you have gone through that turmoil your way more careful.

So, if every day I decide on one thing that I can do free I think I will be on the right path.

I love the Baby Boomer generation - they are more fit and healthy then ever before - and - they look years younger than they ever did. If only Toronto was not so darn expensive. And, we do get taxed to the max. 
I guess it is a mindset to be able to save more than you spend. That really takes some imagination and motivation - and - that is my Plan B. Will see how it goes. I will let you know.

Hopefully, I get a great part-time job - but - I am not holding my breath. 

Your - Diva Money Saver


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