Monday, December 16, 2013

Finding Ways To Save Money Over Xmas and New Years

As your Diva Money Saver it is my responsibility to try and find ways to save money over Xmas and New Year's. But, hey wait - not so fast - that is an almost impossible feat - even for me.

If only we could go on strike over Xmas. No spending, no partying, no meeting up with family and or friends - how horrible that would be! Well, I am not even going to touch that one with a ten foot pole because for me that would be a fate not worth living. Well, ok I am being a little over dramatic here but you know what I mean. Crap, everything and everywhere you go costs money over Xmas.

Here it is the month to be giving - giving of your time maybe - as most people are laid off right now and don't even have a job. So for most of us giving a lot to charity is not an option. I try to do little things like buy a pizza slice in the subway for United Way. Or, I give some small change to a homeless person once in awhile.

Well, I am happy to announce that I am eating in more and out less. For me that is a big yeah. I have to admit though I do go out for a coffee a few times a week just to inter-act with people.

Meeting up with friends over the holidays does take some pre-planning. If your going to eat out - check over the menu with a fine tooth comb - there just has to be something within your budget. Budget here - being the operative word.

I absolutely hate crowded stores and the Mall during the holidays so I am more likely spending my Shopper's Optimum points. Oh well, now the secret is out.

Gift cards are great for really good friends and family - just don't go over-board. Finding that special gift for someone special can be so darn frustrating when your on a tight budget.

Re-gifting - no - way! Personally, I rather be on the Titantic than do that. Yes, I would never sleep again!

If your really crafty then a nice home made gift would be appreciated but then again it depends on who you are giving it to and what your making.

Just shopping for your own children and their partners, seniors and/or care-givers in the family and the young kids - that is a good compromise. I mean if you tried to give a gift to all of your family you would be in the poor house for sure.

Exchanging gifts with best friends always has me on pins and needles. You worry - will they like it - will they hate it ! That syndrome is very common over the holidays.

My New Year's Resolution is to spend less at Xmas. You notice that this is happening after Xmas - go figure.

What - oh my - is a gal to do?

I wish I could be one of those people who fly off to another country for a month and arrive home on boxing day. Now - that's a happy thought.

But alas, I am one of those people - like everyone else - shopping in the mall at the last minute. Spending money that I shouldn't spend. My head starts to spin and the next thing I know - Xmas is over - my money is all gone - and - then it's "Happy New Year"!

So I will just sign off with a bah hum bug and say - better luck next year!

Your - Diva Money Saver

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