Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Baby Boomers and Money

Today, I have declared it as a no spend day. Yes, so I am busy doing my writing and staying in. I will go for a much needed walk later. If it rains I will just exercise inside.

When your a baby boomer it get's harder to save money. If your retired you get paid once a month and it is just so hard to keep within your budget.

Right now I have to stay out of Shopper's Drugmart - the optimum points program is my best friend - but - it costs you to get the points.  If you do go to Shopper's Drugmart I say use the Optimum card because eventually it equals free stuff.

So, next month will be better because I have maxed out my points. Now the secret here is to only spend those points when they have the max pay-out days. So when they will double your pay-out that is when you spend it. Maybe buy your expensive items like face cream or makeup.

I went to Scarborough Town Centre only to find out that all the jobs need to be applied for on-line. That is fine but when you do it - your CV seems to get lost in cyber-space. So much for the old fashioned way of applying for a job. You know - fill out a form from the company and speak to the Manager directly. Those days my friend are gone. I want to work in the area where I live so that is where I am spending my time applying for work.

The age factor - oh yes. You put on your resume that you are semi-retired and guess what - there you go - to the bottom of the pile.

Staying out of expensive restaurants - I do. But, when my friends want to go to lunch they forget I don't have the same money as them. Or, if I am bored and go out for lunch on my own - which happens now and again - I pick a cheap place! Eating out will and does add up. My moto is always eat breakfast at home and dinner. Never ever deviate from that plan. Cause lunch can be a cheap pizza slice or a burger. Try and keep the number of times you do it to a minimum. Again, it can add up but gosh - ya gotta live.

I stay out of expensive shops these days. A little stroll through Value Village can get you a new top or whatever your heart desires for cheap - usually - 10 times less than what you pay at the Bay or Sears.

Don't rent movies! Even watching DVD's you have had for a long time over and over again - will - save you money. Paper-views should be a "no" "no"!

When I go to the movie theatre I try to do it on cheap Tuesday's or you pay a rediculous high price for the same deal. Try to eat before you go - that - never works for me as I love the smell of popcorn and to me that is half the experience of seeing a movie.

My part-time job prospects are few and far between right now. The Agency I call for the government tells me I am on their active list and thanks me for calling in. Well, that has been going on for a few months and still no work. I think there are a lot of unemployed people in Toronto.

The small Shopper's Drugmart around the corner - well - I am probably one of their best customers and yet they don't have enough hours for the people who work there. Gosh they should at least give me shares in the company. I am thinking about applying at the 24 hour store but really I don't want to work midnight shift thank you very much.

Getting paid for my writing - now there is an option. Who, where, when, how? Yes, I will have to research that. It is a possibility but a slim one.

I could sell my LavaGirl Song but again to who, where, when, how? Probably best to keep singing it in the shower but because I have no friends in the entertainment industry I probably won't get discovered anytime soon!

I did attempt to walk dogs and gave out flyers at the vet's office. Handed them out to some pet owner's but no bites. I even advertised on a free newspaper site!

My little self-employed global business  - well - let's just say that this year it is a tax right off. And, keeping my business operating is costing me so far. Yet - I will keep on plugging away as I invested in this and I am determined to make a go of it. Then I can stop worrying about money all together. Hey - I have a ways to go!

No, I won't do anything illegal or immoral - so  - you can forget any of those options.

Even though my psychic powers are within me - sorry - I am not good enough to give readings or speak to the dead. I am more inspirational and prefer to keep that under lock and key.

So, I guess I could put up flyers to do light house-keeping. But wait - I hate darn housework. I have a hard enough time to keep my own place spic and span - which I do. It's easy cause I have no one else messing up the place.

Finding a rich boy friend - well - here we go again. Do I travel in their circles? No! Hating internet dating - well - that doesn't help. Oh, and if I spend the entire day inside as planned  - well - I am saving money - but - not running into my honey! Not that I would anyway. Too bad real life is not like those fairy tales in the movies where everyone lives happily ever after.

That's it for today.

Your - Diva Money Saver

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