Saturday, October 12, 2013

I Found a Dumpster Diver in my Trash

Yuck - I recently found another dumpster diver in my trash. How disgusting I thought. But, wait - it didn't seem to faze the guy at all even when I was throwing my garbage in the bin. He seemed oblivious to what I had just done. Now, I did not see him before the swing of my garbage so sorry about that Mr. or Mrs. Dumpster Diver. Yes, can you believe that there are women dumpster diver's too.

Someone told me they personally knew someone who did this and that they were also hoarders. Hey - go figure. What a bundle of joy that must be for the neighbours. Can you even imagine? The only thing going through my mind at that point was rats, mice, racoons and maybe throw in a few bed bugs along the way. 

But, what if this is the only way this person could pay his rent or for his or her food? 

I mean this is going way past collecting pop bottles when your a kid. You know what I mean. If it was a toss up between begging on the street corners of Toronto or Dumpster Diving in the dead of night - I know I would choose the Dumpster Diving gig. Being a hoarder would probably have to come with the territory - cause - where do you keep all of the junk - good and bad? I am really too much of a neat freak for all of this. My heart is going a mile a minute just thinking about it.

The shockingly good haul this lady found!

So, gosh even e-bay has stuff on it that people found in the trash! I wonder what neighbourhood she is dumpster diving in? Maybe where the rich and famous live?

I mean is this even legal? I guess if it's trash and you don't get caught by the superintendent of the building or the store owner - your safe.

If your not afraid of germs and you have a strong stomach - well - then you can do it.

This lady is a shop-a-holic and her upscale house is a hoarder's paradise. Wow, she could use selling most of this stuff on e-bay. At least it would give her some money back. But, you see - she does not want to part with it. She admits to having a problem where she needs to shop. And, she is a school teacher - wow - I was so suprised. From the outside her house looks very nice but once inside it is a virtual nightmare. Yet, she is a hoarder but not an extreme hoarder. At least she is not hoarding cats, and human waste.

Wow - a lady who is into organizing would have a field day with this lady. That is, if you can even get her to part with the stuff.

Ok, so a word to the wise. If your a couponer to save money - just buy what you need because you can end up hoarding. If you can control it then by all means go for it - but - be careful you don't become a hoarder. Be organized and if it get's too much - donate the stuff.

I don't really put couponer's in the same category but wait - there are extreme couponer's out there. You know in the United States in the year 2008 there were a lot of people losing jobs, homes, you name it. A lot of people turned to couponing and some even stop foreclosures from happening. There are even people out there that teach you how to coupon.

I thought this little clip about Honey Boo Boo was pretty funny. But, you get the point.

Well, unless someone is ready to hand me over a cool million dollars and a bio-hazard suit - you won't find me in any garbage bins real soon! Okay, maybe even a few hundred thousand dollars.

So stay safe, stay well, and see you next time.

Your - Diva Money Saver

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