Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Dumpster Diver Was Back In My Garbage Bin Today

Wow - I couldn't believe my eyes - yes - the local dumpster diver was in my apartment garbage bin and he was making quite a mess!


Initially I was repulsed that someone was going through all the garbage. But then, I was sad thinking maybe the poor guy was really broke and this was some kind of last resort for him. Maybe he is homeless or having a really tough time. Who really knows? If I was desperate would I dumpster dive? Hmm..... don't think so. I am too much of a neat freak for any of that. I would be afraid that a raccoon or worse - maybe a rat - would attack me. Then there are cockroaches and bed bugs in some of these bins.

Oooops........ you caught me. Ha, ha ..... if you paid me a million dollars maybe.

I find it interesting though why people do this disgusting past time.

Watch this video for some insight into the Dumpster Diver game.
Well, I am surprised what this lady found in a dumpster dive. My stomach is kinda turning already.Yuck!

So for me, I will just watch my pennies and be grateful that I don't have to dumpster dive to survive.

It brought back to me in real time how lucky most of us are that have enough money every month to get by  even if it is a little tough sometimes. I mean Toronto Ontario Canada is expensive. Have you seen the prices of houses these days? I notice the beautiful homes in my neighbourhood and nobody is selling. You know why? Because they have to spend a fortune to even get a condo!

Another problem with an overpriced housing market is that if you do buy you'll probably have a big mortgage. And if the person who owns the home loses their job - then what? It wouldn't take rocket science to know they probably would have to sell. 

Finding a nice apartment these days is not an easy task. Especially if you are single and need affordable rent. So, people like myself  who have a nice place - stay where they are - because we are grandfathered into a reasonable rent - whereas people looking today are getting stiffed big time.  

And, if you want to get into a co-op apartment or townhouse or even senior rentals that are geared to income their is a waiting list an arm and a leg long. 

So, for me it comes down to always being mindful of your budget. Trim the fat as they say. But, in today's world that is hard to do. It takes sacrifice that is for sure.

I will just sign off now and hopefully soon I can give you some great tips on how to save your money.

Hey - no stealing from your kid's piggy bank.

That's it for today.

Your Diva Money Saver

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