Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I Hate Debt - Frugual Ways to Get Out of the Hole

Yes, I hate debt. I really hate it. The only way to get rid of it is to balance your budget each and every month. That means living on less and spending less than you make. Easy - well - not so fast. If it was that easy why are most Canadian households at least each $20,000.00 in consumer debt?

The answer is not an easy one. Life can screw you up. Medical problems, unexpected layoffs from work. Not being able to find a job. The list can just go on and on.

The cost of living in Toronto Ontario Canada is very expensive. Very few of us grow our own vegetables and yes we should cook more and eat out less. That is just good old common sense. Yet, we are social animals and we love to get invited out and it is hard to say no when if you don't go out what will you do? Watch another boring TV show?

The answer my friend is balance and budget. Write down every darn nickle you spend. Try to cut out one expense every single month. Even if you just don't go for that coffee. That saves you $2.00 at least.

Maybe you have to sacrifice a thing or two every month. I gave up getting my nails done. Sure they are clean and neat and not as beautiful but hey I am saving at least $35.00 a month.

Buy your lottery ticket once a month instead of every week. Hey - it's just fate if you win anyway.

Next I am cutting out all expenses that were not essential to my home based business which I might be winding up. 

The reason is clear - if it is costing you 4 times what you are making back in return - your in the wrong business. I found it hard to believe my business was making me poor. Did you know that there is a 95% percent failure rate to home based businesses? So be careful what you get into. Buyer beware as they say.

I am on a very tight fixed income so after rent I am already broke. So, my only chance of having a happy debt free life is to live within my means.

Another thing is this - never go shopping without your coupons for example Shopper's. You can get 20x the points on your purchases. Again, purchase just what you really need.

No I am not lazy - I have applied for many jobs in my neighbourhood. It is just hard when your a certain age as they want to hire young people and I truly understand that. 

Sell whatever you have lying around your place! If your not using it - sell it. You might make a hundred or two to pay off debt.

Everyday put on your thinking cap and ask where can I save a dollar? But, don't give up doing and buying things you absolutely need. I am very generous with tips and treating my friends. Sometimes I have to curb that a little bit. 

So make a tracking list and slash every month something you can live without.

Think before you go shopping. Ask yourself is there a cheaper place I can eat out if that is what you have to do. Were not hermits so we do eat out sometimes. Just be creative and find a cheaper alternative.

Some seniors get frustrated because to pay off their debt some have to pay a lot of money every month on their debt and they know it will take 5 years to get rid of all of it. Don't despair because once you are living within your means it will get easier. Paying it off yourself will avoid getting a bad credit rating.

So never give up and just be like me and hate debt!

That's it for today - hope it helped.

Your - Diva Money Saver

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