Loving money is something most people have no problem having a love affair with. But, when your broke and in debt that love affair is just an endless fairytale.
Life is meant to live in good health, strong faith, and sometimes with money. So, that means for most of us we deserve to have all of that. So, after getting our other priorities in order let's work on getting rid of debt.
I have been trying to find a part time job as my income just doesn't afford too many luxuries. When you get a certain age you want to travel and do what your heart desires.
So what get's in the way - debt - too much debt !
People all over the world lose sleep over it each and every night. In our wonderful country Canada the last thing we should be worried about is owing too much money.
Once you realize your in this mess the important thing is to dig yourself out.
Some people need credit counselling. Other people just need a good kick in the butt and try to live within their monthly budget. Budget - what you don't have one! Now that's a problem.
Make a list! Start with your fixed expenses. Then make a second list - the one you can cut expenses from.
For me I gave up getting my nails done. Yes, I have to do them myself now. Poor me.
Next I cut services to my home based business as I was paying out too much money for little if any return.
No vacation this year - nope - I have to pay down debt.
Stop watching paper-view movies as you can get free TV shows instead.
Watching the same movies that you own over and over again - oh well.
Exercise everyday to your favourite CD - that is what I do for at least 1/2 hour.
You are now triming your waistline at the same time as your debt. Isn't that insane.
Never go to Shopper's Drugmart unless you have your coupons with you - yes you can get those optimum points. I sometimes cash in and get $200.00 worth of free stuff. Mind you it might take me quite a long time now as I am refusing to go in there unless I really need to.
Stop eating out - make more food at home. You will save a bundle. That doesn't mean never go out - just not every single day - duh!
Put something in your rainy day account - no matter how little. It will eventually add up. Then treat yourself to something special - after all - you deserve it.
Many financial advisors tell you to pay off your highest owed credit card first. Once paid off that money can go against debt 2 and 3. You get the picture.
If you can consolidate everything into one big loan - better still. But, don't use that credit line - just pay it down.
Some people go to the thrift shops and you know what - I have no problem with that myself.
So just try to keep track of what your spending.
Put a note on the fridge - eat everything in here before I go grocery shopping.
If you can cut one week out of grocery shopping that is quite a savings every month but make sure your eating properly - not starving yourself.
Last but not least say a prayer to your money angels.
Now close your eyes and see if a magic wand appears. If it does then your on your way - out of debt!
Now you see it - now you don't ! Is your debt gone yet?
Ok - then keep working at it.
That's it for today.
Your - Diva Money Saver
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