Sunday, September 22, 2013

Freebies Are Always On My Mind

As a Diva Money Saver Coupon Queen getting freebies are always on my mind. Otherwise I will have to hand in my crown and I'm not doing that. I am on a roll!

This week alone I got 2,000 extra Optimum Points. How? The Shopper's store flyer had a promo code that I entered on their site and walla free points.

Not only that I got twenty times the points for shopping on a specific day of the week!

Okay you had to spend $40.00 to get the points but I am almost up to $60.00 in points so it is well worth it.

My plan is to get the highest amount of Optimum points and then cash-in. It is easy to see you are saving and here is why. You just buy what you actually need! You were going to spend the money at Shopper's Drugmart regardless. Even if they did not have the Optimum Points program.

The plan of attack is - you hold onto the points - for however long - until they have the points day where you get the extra money for spending on the points spending days. Do not deviate from the plan or you lose out. That my friend can equal to free stuff worth up to $200.00.

Okay, Shopper's Drugmart loves me but I love them too!
Can I be an ambassador for the company? Actually, they should give me free shares in the place.

Next, your work as a Coupon Queen is not done. You need lots and lots of coupons. Right now, I need to see if my Sunday news-paper has coupon inserts - some do - some don't. No sense spending a dollar on a newspaper that does not have coupons - not worth it.

The second plan of attack is Internet Manufacturer's Coupons. Make a list of everything you buy constantly. See if there are coupons for that. I buy Royale Toilet Paper quite often so I would of course be looking for the Royale coupons.

Now be warned that you might have to do a lot of downloading of their specific computer programs and that you may need to re-boot your computer the next day. But, that is just one of the pit-falls of being a Coupon Queen.

Places where you can get free Canadian coupons are:

The law of couponing is - never, ever photo-copy a coupon - that is illegal.

Always make sure they are Canadian coupons if your Canadian and vice versa if your an American.

Do not get caught in a long line-up - for example Walmart - and - you find out your coupons have expired. A big no - no !

Have your coupons ready to show the cashier as soon as you show her the item you have the coupon for. That will speed up the check-out.

Use Coupon Queen Etiquette - don't grab or be aggressive in the store trying to get a lot of stuff - remember - be nice!

Know the store return policy and see if they have a coupon policy.

Read the fine print on each and every coupon - very important.

Lastly, have fun - and - if you don't need something you got free - donate it to the local food bank.

That's it for now.

Your - Diva Money Saver

Friday, September 20, 2013

Coupon Queen Madness

Have you ever heard of dollar days, or midnight madness? Well that is probably where one might save a lot of money. I can hardly wait until a store nearby has this crazy sale! I will be there with bells on with my coupons - so look out world here I come!

I have to admit that, I just started couponing and really - I do love it. How can I explain the feeling. It is like going to Value Village and getting a new top for $2.00 or a throw cushion for pennies - both - would have cost ten times that much in a regular store. So, saving money is the key ingredient. And, if you know the regular price of the brand or item your buying - it will be easy for you to spot a great sale. Yes, not just a sale, but a great one.

Many of you have probably been doing this for years and I just started. I can call myself the Diva Money Saver Coupon Queen because it's my blog and I fell in love with the name a long time ago. This blog is all about frugality, saving, getting out of debt, dumpster diving, hoarders - you name it. It keeps my writing skills up to date and also occupies my time - helping me to stay out of the mall - how ironic is that?

Couponing is like a double edged sword - your kinda damned if you do - and damned if you don't. So, if your hunting down free stuff and you really need it - I see nothing wrong with that. Just don't turn into a hoarder.

I have heard stories where couponing got some people out of debt, helped them go on trips, and even saved some people from brankruptcy or foreclosure. Wow - that sounds extreme - but - there are also extreme couponers out there. I kinda love that idea too because these extreme couponers also have a heart - and - some of them even donate food to the local food bank - just from getting free stuff.

Here is a cute You Tube Video I made about my adventure as a Coupon Queen. It is just a little clip - no worries.
Hey - now you know - I am really getting organized and into the fast track as a Coupon Queen Diva. When I have some secret stash of free food or toiletries - I will show-case it - but - I am not there yet.

I have to admit - I am in love with Shopper's Drugmart Optimum points. Sure you have to spend it to get it! But - that is where I buy my throat lozenges, tylenol, Royale Toilet Paper, Dempster's Vegetable Bread, swifters, Jouviance face cream, Aveeno Cleanser, just to name a few things - so - it is easy for me to add up points. Even better is if I have a coupon to add to the sale.

Don't you just feel really good when you get $1.00 off of something on sale? I do! For years I have ignored flyers! What in the world was I thinking? Duh!

I just love the videos of the really Krazy Coupon Queen and many of the other extreme couponers because it does give you insight into how people are pulling this off.

Just like anything else - you really need to know the rules. You should know the store policy regarding coupons - yes - I am sure there is one for every store. I love the fact that Shopper's Drugmart have there very own coupons. But, you do need to download them. But, there are no questions asked with these store coupons.

Make sure your not holding up the line because your coupons are expired. And, don't annoy people by not being organized as the transaction will take a little longer than a regular one - especially - if you have a lot of coupons.

When getting your coupons in Canada order them from a reputable on-line shopping site. I so far have been getting mine from and from

The .ca after the name let's you know your ordering Canadian coupons. But, just to be sure always read the fine print on the coupon. 

I thought I was getting some quality Canadian coupons from Target and they were all American only use and that really peeved me off. What a waste of time and printer paper as well as my poor ink cartridge.

Many coupon sites will only let you order coupons every 22 days. I guess that is to protect themselves and keep their integrity to a high standard.

I got 2,000 free Optimum points just for updating my Optimum profile and entering a promo code that was on top of the Shopper's flyer. Wow - I wonder how many of those I missed over the years?

Maybe if I can be really frugal I can go on a trip to PEI, Vegas, a single's cruise. Hey, the sky is the limit! Also, I would love to go to a convention in Charlotte, North Carolina for a company that I belong to. All of this would be so awesome.

Last but not least - always check your expiry dates - before hitting the store. How awful to be rejected for having expired coupons in a long line up at the shopping mall.

I promise to talk about something different tomorrow - time permitting.

That's it for now.

Your - Diva Money Saver

Thursday, September 19, 2013

This Coupon Queen Tells You How To Get Free Stuff

Hey, everyone - free stuff is good! Every Coupon Queen goes to bed dreaming about free stuff - at least I do!

I live in Canada so when your getting coupons make sure your getting them from a Canadian company. I found a lot of American coupons that I had to pitch out because you cannot use them here in Canada. So, be careful where your ordering your coupons from. Likewise if your American - order your coupons from an American company.

In my area (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Shopper's Drugmart had a special promo code at the top of their flyer today. I had to download the web-site and just typed in the promo code and sure enough for updating my Shopper's profile I am receiving 2,000 free Optimum Points. I can tell you I never paid any attention to this type of thing until I started couponing. Free is so good!

If your from Canada a few cool places to get coupons is: or
Right away you know your getting Canadian coupons.

Just remember - you never - ever - photocopy coupons - that my friend  is illegal.

Just listen in to my You Tube Video which covers almost everything I just said about couponing.

I just love saving money - what about you? I know I have been talking a lot lately about couponing - but - I think it's fun - once you start to get freebies.

My coupon organizer has been getting me a lot of compliments. It is so handy to just carry it under your arm when your shopping. If you see a sale it is so easy just to flip through your little organizer.

A very important tip is to - always keep an eye on expiry dates - not only on your goods that your buying - but - on your coupons. I notice most of my coupons have an expiry date of November or December. So no rush, if the item is not on sale - wait! It is timing - researching flyers - searching for coupons - knowing prices that the store usually sells things at - so that you can spot a sale right away - that will make your job as a Coupon Queen - golden!

I hope some of these tips are helpful to the newbie couponer. Remember, always help others and someday soon - just like me - you will receive your crown - as a Coupon Queen!

That's it for today.

Your - Diva Money Saver

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today I Got My Crown As A Bonafide Coupon Queen

I have a confession to make - I ran out of my favourite face cream - ouch! But - to my delight I had a $20.00 off Shopper's coupon that I could use. The catch was you had to use the coupon today only and you had to spend $75.00. So because this is a day, evening, and eye cream all in one - it ends up being reasonably priced. Glad I only have to buy this once in a blue moon. Yes, it is Jouviance of course!

Darn -  you can download Manufacturer's coupons for not only groceries but for your favourite makeup or face cream. Duh - not sure why I missed doing that.

Last week to my delight I found a lovely pink coupon organizer. I was amazed to find exactly what I wanted from the dollar store. So my coupon organizer was only one dollar! Now, that's a deal. I just labelled it from A to Z - and that pretty well covers every item you could possibly want. The flyers go in the back.

Now to receive your Crown as a Coupon Queen you must help others. So today, I posted my very first Diva Money Saver Coupon Queen You Tube Video.

So, now I will go down in history with the Krazy Coupon Lady and maybe even some of the Extreme Couponer's. But, hey I am just a newbie so I am not quite there yet.

I think that couponing really helps your budget as long as your buying what you really need.

I want to start comparing prices in Target and Walmart but really you do get addicted to getting those Shopper's Optimum Points. You can see when you have $190.00 dollars in points - well - that's a hard gig to follow.

Yet, if you can get enough coupons and scour enough flyers - then - you can find the bargains. Let's say that Ragu spagetti sauce is on sale in Walmart for $1.00 because they do have dollar days. And, let's say that you have a $1.00 off coupon for Ragu spagetti sauce - probably - a manufacturer's coupon. Well, there you go - it cost you zero and you get to walk out with a free sauce. Now let's say you have 4 coupons and there is a limit of 4. Well, my friend you just walked out with 4 free spagetti sauces.

Apply, this formula - over and over again - and - that equals = free stuff.

Just remember the law of Couponing - never - ever - photo-copy a coupon. That is illegal!

I think sometimes we get over-whelmed in the shopping mall. So, it is so easy to spend money. So start thinking like a couponer. If it isn't on sale and you don't have a coupon - pass it by! If you can - wait until it goes on sale - or - when you get your beloved coupon.

Now, I pretty much know all of the brands that I buy a lot of. So for me that is a good starting point.

So, I will just say, my first day as a Coupon Queen was exciting. I just have one problem - I need lot's more coupons - to really save any kind of money.

There is a fine line between saving and spending so even a Coupon Queen has to have a budget.

To all the Coupon Queen's out there - Happy Shopping.

That's it for now.

Your - Diva Money Saver

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Being Crowned as a Coupon Queen or a Coupon King

I am not completely sure but I think there are more crowned Coupon Queen's and Coupon King's in the United States than in Canada.

One of the reasons is that with the economic down-turn in the United States a lot more women and men turned to couponing as a way to dig themselves out of the hole.

When your desperate - you will go to desperate measure - legally - I hope!

Nothing is wrong with couponing. But, there are rules to follow.

The number one no - no is: never, ever photo-copy coupons - it is illegal.

In store Coupons: stores like Shopper's Drugmart will send you their very own in-store coupons. I think this helps alleviate fraud and mis-use of coupons. So how it works is: you get extra Shopper's Drugmart Optimum points on certain Points days for spending a certain amount of money. Some people might claim: your spending - not saving. But, if you get to Shopper's Drugmart on the big Optimum Points spending days - you get free stuff. If you were spending your money on things you buy there anyway - yes - your ahead.

The trick to the whole couponing thing is: to get enough coupons to make couponing worth your while.

I am waiting for some coupons to come to me in the mail. Oh, and with some on-line websites that give you coupons there are some stipulations. Some on-line coupon sites will only let you print manufacturer's coupons for the same products every 24 hours and sometimes longer.

So, now your ready! You have your coupon organizer. It can be small at first and grow larger - later. When you get really experienced at what your doing. I got a very nice pink coupon organizer from the dollar store - yep - it cost me $1.00.

Listen how Jordan helps his Mom who became a single parent - how - to save money through couponing. He refuses to let her put anything in her cart that is not on sale, or has a discount coupon. So, you may not get everything completely free - but - you have saved something off of the original price.

I wouldn't be surprised if this young man doesn't become a Millionaire one day. He has the right mentality for success. I would call this guy - a crowned Coupon King.

I also have posted about the couple who were in a coupon Queen contest and between the two of them they got hundreds of dollars in savings on food which immediately got donated to the local food bank. Now, that is fantastic!

Coupon Queen's and King's - keep up the good work.

That's it for today.

Your - Diva Money Saver

Friday, September 13, 2013

Saga of A Beginner Coupon Queen

Yes, I thought I would become an amazing Coupon Queen over-night! I watched a few You Tube Videos and "got how they do it". But, it is not that easy.

First of all, I am astonished at how many vendors these days do not put coupons in their flyers.

Try and fine a Ragu spagetti sauce flyer that you can use in any store - good luck!

Then every coupon site wants you to down-load their coupon printer programs. I must have loaded 4 or 5 and then guess what - in the morning - my computer needed to be restored. So, I am not sure all of that down-loading of coupon sites is very healthy for one's computer.

So let's say that Target has a $1.00 special on Ragu spaghetti sauce. If you can find the darn coupon - save a $1.00 - then you pay zero for the product. It is just finding the  coupon and timing it with when Target has their dollar sale. I noticed that when I downloaded some Target coupons there was not one for Ragu spagetti sauce.

So I have got a lot of coupons - but - I am not sure any of them will save me money.

Plus, when you factor in the cost of printing the coupons on your home computer - using up all of your ink cartridge - well - you just lost out on any savings.

I think I will slowly use my coupons and wait for the ones I ordered to be mailed to me.

Another problem is: how you get to the stores that have the sales.

I have no transportation to Target or Walmart. So, if  I want huge savings then I would have to call a taxi - and - there goes my savings.  Or, maybe if my coupon is still good when I do get a drive to say Target - it really has to be on most of the $1.00 sale items to get anything free. Again, try to find the coupon that matches the sale. Good luck!

Some Coupon Queens have this all down to a fine science but when your just getting started it is very confusing and frustrating.

So, always watch all of the flyers for the sales. Circle all the $1.00 sale items. Then go hunting for those particular coupons.

And, remember your not allowed to photocopy coupons. So, just do it the right way.

You are allowed to download Target coupons for example. But, most sites will only allow you to download 1 coupon per product every 30 days.

Then some coupons are mailed to you - so - you have to be patient.

Lets have some fun and watch a Kracy Coupon Lady in action.
Oh, so here is a tip: the inserts from the newspaper might have coupons. I will have to watch for that.

You notice that she has a coupon binder - cool - that is something I will have to do.

Maybe down the road I will become a real coupon Queen.

Well, okay I did save $3.00 on my groceries yesterday with some coupons.

I can see where people get addicted to couponing.

Take care,

Your - Diva Money Saver

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Coupon Queen's in Action

Lately, I have been trying to save a little bit of money. In this day and age you have to be creative sometimes to earn a little cash. After all, cash is king.

I watched a You Tube Video about a Coupon Queen and Extreme Couponing - and - now I think I have to at least try the coupon saver strategy.  Why not? Isn't saving money important? Yes, of course - that's a no-brainer.

I think the hard part is finding the coupons that will actually help you save instead of spend. To find the coupons you actually want to use.

Shopper's Drugmart I have to commend them on their Optimum Points Program. That is a great way to get free stuff. The only problem with the program is you have to spend a substantial amount of money to get the Optimum points. So are you really saving? Yes and No. Yes, because if you were going to spend the money anyway - then - your ahead. No, if your spending just for the sake of it.

Ok, so were determined to start couponing. Now what? Finding the coupons of course. No coupons - no couponing!

Let's listen to a You Tube Video about Couponing.

A Very Smart Coupon Queen

You know what - couponing - is not such a bad idea after all.
 If you can get out of debt using coupons - hey - that's great!

This extreme coupon contest was wonderful - because - they ended up donating a ton of food to the local food bank. So, I give these two Super Couponer's brownie points that is for sure!

So I will sign off now and just say I am impressed with this way of saving money.

The next time I see any store coupons I will be looking at them in an entirely different way. No more discarding the store flyers.

Your - Diva Money Saver

My Neighbourhood Dumpster Diver, Extreme Hoarding, and Extreme Couponing

I thought I was going to throw up about a week ago when I saw the scruffy guy in my garbage bin.  It wasn't until I threw in my bag of garbage that I noticed him.

Well, maybe he is homeless I thought. You really should not pre-judge anyone. The thought of the junk he probably had in his home - if he even has one - had a vision of one great big hoarder - spinning around in my head.

Some hoarders are so bad that the Department of Public Health can condemn their living quarters.

I watched a TV show about hoarders not so long ago and I was shocked how these people live. Literally, some are so bad that there is not one square inch of living space for them to function properly.

Many times these people need an intervention of some sort because after all I would put them in the realm of - extreme hoarders.

Everybody has a closet they could clean out but this is rediculous.

Myself, I love organization and neatness so hoarding would drive me up the wall, literally.

I think your financial world and your personal world collide when you get to the extreme hoarding stage.

Maybe it starts out with couponing gone extreme. But, that is a different type of hoarder.

I think couponing is a good thing - just don't let it get out of control. They call that extreme couponing. Maybe it works for some people - but - where do you store all of that stuff?

If your able to stock up without hoarding - then - do it if you can get stuff for free.

Like this lady said, she is going to Aruba because of the money she has saved with couponing.

Again, it can be a double edged sword. If you do not have any place to store stuff - then - just don't do it. And, be aware of it's addiction and do not become an extreme hoarder.

So stay out of debt. Pay your bills on time. Do not pay bank fees if you can help it.

That's it for today.

Just Me - The Diva Money Saver

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Baby Boomers Today Trying to Save Money

I will tell you right now that baby boomers today trying to save money is no easy task. When we retire we think our retirement pension - if we have one - will go a long way.
The problem is that the baby boomers now want so much more: travel, nice living quarters, and a great social life to boot.

So, there are a few things we can do. Explain to your family and friends, and/or acquaintances that you are on a limited budget. Yes, you can go out with them but find a cheaper venue. Most people will go out of there way to make this work. Tell them you can not afford to be buying drinks all around or anything to that nature.

Remember to do sale days at Shopper's Drugmart: for the people 65 and over - you can shop on Thursday - senior's day. For those not there yet - like me - well - I try to go on 20 x the Optimum points day. And, remember any coupons you have: keep them in your purse at all times.

Use an airmiles credit card just like a debit card. Once you have put something on your card go home and pay if off right away. Allow yourself a budget - how much you can afford each month to pay off that credit card in full. Oh - and - no using your credit line - that is just for emergencies.

Try to put a little money away each month in a Tax Free Savings Account. This money does add up and it can be accessed free of charge.

Don't go bankrupt - it will screw up your credit rating. If things are really bad - instead - do a consumer proposal. You will pay a little to save a lot.

Try to get into a co-op housing apartment geared to your income - unless - you know you can still work. If you get a part-time job it wouldn't pay to go into geared to income housing.

Keep small change in your piggy bank. I know it sounds a little out-dated - but - remember - cash is king - and a rainy day fund can pull you through the month.

Eat a lot of fish, chicken, vegies and fruit. Yes, a little red meat once in awhile is okay but it will be hard on your budget.

Don't be afraid to go to the thrift shop. I bought the most awesome pillow throws for my couch for a few dollars each. The same pillow throws in Winners would have been ten times the price.

I wish I had a crystal ball to tell you the future.
(credit - free gif picture from Photo-bucket)

What to do and what not to do. But, always try to keep your financial house in order. This will not only help you out - but - it will help you live your golden years - more golden.

Gonna sign off now.

Just me.

The Diva Money Saver