Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today I Got My Crown As A Bonafide Coupon Queen

I have a confession to make - I ran out of my favourite face cream - ouch! But - to my delight I had a $20.00 off Shopper's coupon that I could use. The catch was you had to use the coupon today only and you had to spend $75.00. So because this is a day, evening, and eye cream all in one - it ends up being reasonably priced. Glad I only have to buy this once in a blue moon. Yes, it is Jouviance of course!

Darn -  you can download Manufacturer's coupons for not only groceries but for your favourite makeup or face cream. Duh - not sure why I missed doing that.

Last week to my delight I found a lovely pink coupon organizer. I was amazed to find exactly what I wanted from the dollar store. So my coupon organizer was only one dollar! Now, that's a deal. I just labelled it from A to Z - and that pretty well covers every item you could possibly want. The flyers go in the back.

Now to receive your Crown as a Coupon Queen you must help others. So today, I posted my very first Diva Money Saver Coupon Queen You Tube Video.

So, now I will go down in history with the Krazy Coupon Lady and maybe even some of the Extreme Couponer's. But, hey I am just a newbie so I am not quite there yet.

I think that couponing really helps your budget as long as your buying what you really need.

I want to start comparing prices in Target and Walmart but really you do get addicted to getting those Shopper's Optimum Points. You can see when you have $190.00 dollars in points - well - that's a hard gig to follow.

Yet, if you can get enough coupons and scour enough flyers - then - you can find the bargains. Let's say that Ragu spagetti sauce is on sale in Walmart for $1.00 because they do have dollar days. And, let's say that you have a $1.00 off coupon for Ragu spagetti sauce - probably - a manufacturer's coupon. Well, there you go - it cost you zero and you get to walk out with a free sauce. Now let's say you have 4 coupons and there is a limit of 4. Well, my friend you just walked out with 4 free spagetti sauces.

Apply, this formula - over and over again - and - that equals = free stuff.

Just remember the law of Couponing - never - ever - photo-copy a coupon. That is illegal!

I think sometimes we get over-whelmed in the shopping mall. So, it is so easy to spend money. So start thinking like a couponer. If it isn't on sale and you don't have a coupon - pass it by! If you can - wait until it goes on sale - or - when you get your beloved coupon.

Now, I pretty much know all of the brands that I buy a lot of. So for me that is a good starting point.

So, I will just say, my first day as a Coupon Queen was exciting. I just have one problem - I need lot's more coupons - to really save any kind of money.

There is a fine line between saving and spending so even a Coupon Queen has to have a budget.

To all the Coupon Queen's out there - Happy Shopping.

That's it for now.

Your - Diva Money Saver

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