A lot of my friends are experiencing the baby boomer blues. So just how do you get out of that rut? It is easy to say "just stay active" but there is a lot of things going on when your a boomer.
First of all the kids have all flown the coop so to speak. Now it's just me - in my particular case. No house because of bad man choices early in life. No one's fault but my own that's for sure. Too generous, too helpful, just too of everything. Being nice doesn't always get you to the front row of life. But I guess in a spiritual sense it does.
I will give you an example: found a two week metro pass the other day in the coffee shop. Of course I would not pocket it - that would be terrible. It turns out that the Manager of the place had just used the washroom and it fell out of her pocket. Ya I felt really good that the metro pass landed back in the right hands.
Another example: I always help people in need. Turns out now that I am retired - I am a free everything - from dog sitter, to babysitter, to personal support worker. Ya - retirement comes at a cost. But, you feel good inside - right.
So I made a pack with myself. Go to Karioke night at least twice a month - even though I can only sing a few notes perfectly okay. Sort of like Cher - she could only sing in one note according to her.
Go to free - ice skating - and hope that I don't fall and bang my head. Oh ya I have to rent skates. And, I will have to take a friend to hold onto
Try to find an inexpensive hobby. I cook for example but I am no Chef Boyarde! Is that how it's spelled?
Walking - now that's free and fun - weather permitting. Oh ya, when it's crappy outside - that's when I get out the old dancing shoes and put on my favourite Donny and Marie Osmond tape. Ok- now my age is showing!
I love Vegas but a girl who is broke is not going there this year.
If I ever get freed up of my free duties maybe I would have time for a
little part time job. Then I could save for a trip! Now your talking -
easier said then done when your family needs you.
I could always just say the evil no word - but - hey that's not really me as you can see.
So, I guess I just have to keep on going like the energizer bunny. Hey - now you just get your mind out of the gutter!
Maybe I should be wishing on stars at night. A lightning bolt would probably strike me on the head before I would find a rich man or win the lottery.
So here I am with the Baby Boomer Blues and guess what the secret is: just keep on giving and just keep on living.
That's it for today.
Your Diva Money Saver
The Diva Money Saver
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
I Hate Debt - Frugual Ways to Get Out of the Hole
Yes, I hate debt. I really hate it. The only way to get rid of it is to balance your budget each and every month. That means living on less and spending less than you make. Easy - well - not so fast. If it was that easy why are most Canadian households at least each $20,000.00 in consumer debt?
The answer is not an easy one. Life can screw you up. Medical problems, unexpected layoffs from work. Not being able to find a job. The list can just go on and on.
The cost of living in Toronto Ontario Canada is very expensive. Very few of us grow our own vegetables and yes we should cook more and eat out less. That is just good old common sense. Yet, we are social animals and we love to get invited out and it is hard to say no when if you don't go out what will you do? Watch another boring TV show?
The answer my friend is balance and budget. Write down every darn nickle you spend. Try to cut out one expense every single month. Even if you just don't go for that coffee. That saves you $2.00 at least.
Maybe you have to sacrifice a thing or two every month. I gave up getting my nails done. Sure they are clean and neat and not as beautiful but hey I am saving at least $35.00 a month.
Buy your lottery ticket once a month instead of every week. Hey - it's just fate if you win anyway.
Next I am cutting out all expenses that were not essential to my home based business which I might be winding up.
The reason is clear - if it is costing you 4 times what you are making back in return - your in the wrong business. I found it hard to believe my business was making me poor. Did you know that there is a 95% percent failure rate to home based businesses? So be careful what you get into. Buyer beware as they say.
I am on a very tight fixed income so after rent I am already broke. So, my only chance of having a happy debt free life is to live within my means.
Another thing is this - never go shopping without your coupons for example Shopper's. You can get 20x the points on your purchases. Again, purchase just what you really need.
No I am not lazy - I have applied for many jobs in my neighbourhood. It is just hard when your a certain age as they want to hire young people and I truly understand that.
Sell whatever you have lying around your place! If your not using it - sell it. You might make a hundred or two to pay off debt.
Everyday put on your thinking cap and ask where can I save a dollar? But, don't give up doing and buying things you absolutely need. I am very generous with tips and treating my friends. Sometimes I have to curb that a little bit.
So make a tracking list and slash every month something you can live without.
Think before you go shopping. Ask yourself is there a cheaper place I can eat out if that is what you have to do. Were not hermits so we do eat out sometimes. Just be creative and find a cheaper alternative.
Some seniors get frustrated because to pay off their debt some have to pay a lot of money every month on their debt and they know it will take 5 years to get rid of all of it. Don't despair because once you are living within your means it will get easier. Paying it off yourself will avoid getting a bad credit rating.
So never give up and just be like me and hate debt!
That's it for today - hope it helped.
Your - Diva Money Saver
The answer is not an easy one. Life can screw you up. Medical problems, unexpected layoffs from work. Not being able to find a job. The list can just go on and on.
The cost of living in Toronto Ontario Canada is very expensive. Very few of us grow our own vegetables and yes we should cook more and eat out less. That is just good old common sense. Yet, we are social animals and we love to get invited out and it is hard to say no when if you don't go out what will you do? Watch another boring TV show?
The answer my friend is balance and budget. Write down every darn nickle you spend. Try to cut out one expense every single month. Even if you just don't go for that coffee. That saves you $2.00 at least.
Maybe you have to sacrifice a thing or two every month. I gave up getting my nails done. Sure they are clean and neat and not as beautiful but hey I am saving at least $35.00 a month.
Buy your lottery ticket once a month instead of every week. Hey - it's just fate if you win anyway.
Next I am cutting out all expenses that were not essential to my home based business which I might be winding up.
The reason is clear - if it is costing you 4 times what you are making back in return - your in the wrong business. I found it hard to believe my business was making me poor. Did you know that there is a 95% percent failure rate to home based businesses? So be careful what you get into. Buyer beware as they say.
I am on a very tight fixed income so after rent I am already broke. So, my only chance of having a happy debt free life is to live within my means.
Another thing is this - never go shopping without your coupons for example Shopper's. You can get 20x the points on your purchases. Again, purchase just what you really need.
No I am not lazy - I have applied for many jobs in my neighbourhood. It is just hard when your a certain age as they want to hire young people and I truly understand that.
Sell whatever you have lying around your place! If your not using it - sell it. You might make a hundred or two to pay off debt.
Everyday put on your thinking cap and ask where can I save a dollar? But, don't give up doing and buying things you absolutely need. I am very generous with tips and treating my friends. Sometimes I have to curb that a little bit.
So make a tracking list and slash every month something you can live without.
Think before you go shopping. Ask yourself is there a cheaper place I can eat out if that is what you have to do. Were not hermits so we do eat out sometimes. Just be creative and find a cheaper alternative.
Some seniors get frustrated because to pay off their debt some have to pay a lot of money every month on their debt and they know it will take 5 years to get rid of all of it. Don't despair because once you are living within your means it will get easier. Paying it off yourself will avoid getting a bad credit rating.
So never give up and just be like me and hate debt!
That's it for today - hope it helped.
Your - Diva Money Saver
Saturday, March 8, 2014
The Dumpster Diver Was Back In My Garbage Bin Today
Wow - I couldn't believe my eyes - yes - the local dumpster diver was in my apartment garbage bin and he was making quite a mess!

Initially I was repulsed that someone was going through all the garbage. But then, I was sad thinking maybe the poor guy was really broke and this was some kind of last resort for him. Maybe he is homeless or having a really tough time. Who really knows? If I was desperate would I dumpster dive? Hmm..... don't think so. I am too much of a neat freak for any of that. I would be afraid that a raccoon or worse - maybe a rat - would attack me. Then there are cockroaches and bed bugs in some of these bins.
Oooops........ you caught me. Ha, ha ..... if you paid me a million dollars maybe.
I find it interesting though why people do this disgusting past time.
Watch this video for some insight into the Dumpster Diver game.
Well, I am surprised what this lady found in a dumpster dive. My stomach is kinda turning already.Yuck!
So for me, I will just watch my pennies and be grateful that I don't have to dumpster dive to survive.
It brought back to me in real time how lucky most of us are that have enough money every month to get by even if it is a little tough sometimes. I mean Toronto Ontario Canada is expensive. Have you seen the prices of houses these days? I notice the beautiful homes in my neighbourhood and nobody is selling. You know why? Because they have to spend a fortune to even get a condo!
Another problem with an overpriced housing market is that if you do buy you'll probably have a big mortgage. And if the person who owns the home loses their job - then what? It wouldn't take rocket science to know they probably would have to sell.
Finding a nice apartment these days is not an easy task. Especially if you are single and need affordable rent. So, people like myself who have a nice place - stay where they are - because we are grandfathered into a reasonable rent - whereas people looking today are getting stiffed big time.
And, if you want to get into a co-op apartment or townhouse or even senior rentals that are geared to income their is a waiting list an arm and a leg long.
So, for me it comes down to always being mindful of your budget. Trim the fat as they say. But, in today's world that is hard to do. It takes sacrifice that is for sure.
I will just sign off now and hopefully soon I can give you some great tips on how to save your money.
Hey - no stealing from your kid's piggy bank.
That's it for today.
Your Diva Money Saver
Initially I was repulsed that someone was going through all the garbage. But then, I was sad thinking maybe the poor guy was really broke and this was some kind of last resort for him. Maybe he is homeless or having a really tough time. Who really knows? If I was desperate would I dumpster dive? Hmm..... don't think so. I am too much of a neat freak for any of that. I would be afraid that a raccoon or worse - maybe a rat - would attack me. Then there are cockroaches and bed bugs in some of these bins.
Oooops........ you caught me. Ha, ha ..... if you paid me a million dollars maybe.
I find it interesting though why people do this disgusting past time.
Watch this video for some insight into the Dumpster Diver game.
So for me, I will just watch my pennies and be grateful that I don't have to dumpster dive to survive.
It brought back to me in real time how lucky most of us are that have enough money every month to get by even if it is a little tough sometimes. I mean Toronto Ontario Canada is expensive. Have you seen the prices of houses these days? I notice the beautiful homes in my neighbourhood and nobody is selling. You know why? Because they have to spend a fortune to even get a condo!
Another problem with an overpriced housing market is that if you do buy you'll probably have a big mortgage. And if the person who owns the home loses their job - then what? It wouldn't take rocket science to know they probably would have to sell.
Finding a nice apartment these days is not an easy task. Especially if you are single and need affordable rent. So, people like myself who have a nice place - stay where they are - because we are grandfathered into a reasonable rent - whereas people looking today are getting stiffed big time.
And, if you want to get into a co-op apartment or townhouse or even senior rentals that are geared to income their is a waiting list an arm and a leg long.
So, for me it comes down to always being mindful of your budget. Trim the fat as they say. But, in today's world that is hard to do. It takes sacrifice that is for sure.
I will just sign off now and hopefully soon I can give you some great tips on how to save your money.
Hey - no stealing from your kid's piggy bank.
That's it for today.
Your Diva Money Saver
Thursday, March 6, 2014
How to Sleigh the Debt Monster
Loving money is something most people have no problem having a love affair with. But, when your broke and in debt that love affair is just an endless fairytale.
Life is meant to live in good health, strong faith, and sometimes with money. So, that means for most of us we deserve to have all of that. So, after getting our other priorities in order let's work on getting rid of debt.
I have been trying to find a part time job as my income just doesn't afford too many luxuries. When you get a certain age you want to travel and do what your heart desires.
So what get's in the way - debt - too much debt !
People all over the world lose sleep over it each and every night. In our wonderful country Canada the last thing we should be worried about is owing too much money.
Once you realize your in this mess the important thing is to dig yourself out.
Some people need credit counselling. Other people just need a good kick in the butt and try to live within their monthly budget. Budget - what you don't have one! Now that's a problem.
Make a list! Start with your fixed expenses. Then make a second list - the one you can cut expenses from.
For me I gave up getting my nails done. Yes, I have to do them myself now. Poor me.
Next I cut services to my home based business as I was paying out too much money for little if any return.
No vacation this year - nope - I have to pay down debt.
Stop watching paper-view movies as you can get free TV shows instead.
Watching the same movies that you own over and over again - oh well.
Exercise everyday to your favourite CD - that is what I do for at least 1/2 hour.
You are now triming your waistline at the same time as your debt. Isn't that insane.
Never go to Shopper's Drugmart unless you have your coupons with you - yes you can get those optimum points. I sometimes cash in and get $200.00 worth of free stuff. Mind you it might take me quite a long time now as I am refusing to go in there unless I really need to.
Stop eating out - make more food at home. You will save a bundle. That doesn't mean never go out - just not every single day - duh!
Put something in your rainy day account - no matter how little. It will eventually add up. Then treat yourself to something special - after all - you deserve it.
Many financial advisors tell you to pay off your highest owed credit card first. Once paid off that money can go against debt 2 and 3. You get the picture.
If you can consolidate everything into one big loan - better still. But, don't use that credit line - just pay it down.
Some people go to the thrift shops and you know what - I have no problem with that myself.
So just try to keep track of what your spending.
Put a note on the fridge - eat everything in here before I go grocery shopping.
If you can cut one week out of grocery shopping that is quite a savings every month but make sure your eating properly - not starving yourself.
Last but not least say a prayer to your money angels.
Now close your eyes and see if a magic wand appears. If it does then your on your way - out of debt!
Now you see it - now you don't ! Is your debt gone yet?
Ok - then keep working at it.
That's it for today.
Your - Diva Money Saver
Saturday, December 21, 2013
What I Would Do With 40 Million Dollars
Right away I need to set the record straight. Yep, no big bank account. But, I am rich in spirit and that is more important I imagine.
I bought my lotto max ticket the other day and I instantly starting thinking about what would happen to my life if I did win 40 Million Dollars.
First, - I would definitely give some cash to the Addison's Disease Research Foundation or maybe just start a foundation myself in Lisa Marie Bates' name. She is my ten year old daughter who died because she was mis-diagnosed.
Second - I would pay off any bills my son has and buy him a car and a house and a cool vacation. A few cool million would somehow get deposited into his account!
Third, I would pay off any debts that I have and buy myself a very nice house or townhouse. I don't need a mansion! New furniture would be on the list - that is for sure.
I could now afford to take driving lessons for driver's who need that extra special attention. Once I am good to go - a brand new sweet car - will do! Hey, I could afford to buy one that practically drives itself. Yes, all the bells and whistles.
For awhile, I would simply disappear to take my trip around the world. Oh yes! Anywhere my heart desires.
After all the hype is over, I would then help out my many relatives and friends who have bills and pay them all off. Remember, I have to win 40 million - cause I million just wouldn't do it! Of course if I only won 1 million I would have to change my list of what I would do. One million just doesn't go that far these days. I sure wouldn't complain.
I have worked hard all of my life and brought up my family pretty much on my own. So gosh ...... it would be so nice to not worry about money. I am sure I would sleep much better at night.
So please Universe do your magic. I am a gal who is very giving.
Hmmmm well a gal can dream can't she.
It would be so cool to be able to be a secret santa, ho ho ho!
That's it for today.
Your - Diva Money Saver
I bought my lotto max ticket the other day and I instantly starting thinking about what would happen to my life if I did win 40 Million Dollars.
First, - I would definitely give some cash to the Addison's Disease Research Foundation or maybe just start a foundation myself in Lisa Marie Bates' name. She is my ten year old daughter who died because she was mis-diagnosed.
Second - I would pay off any bills my son has and buy him a car and a house and a cool vacation. A few cool million would somehow get deposited into his account!
Third, I would pay off any debts that I have and buy myself a very nice house or townhouse. I don't need a mansion! New furniture would be on the list - that is for sure.
I could now afford to take driving lessons for driver's who need that extra special attention. Once I am good to go - a brand new sweet car - will do! Hey, I could afford to buy one that practically drives itself. Yes, all the bells and whistles.
For awhile, I would simply disappear to take my trip around the world. Oh yes! Anywhere my heart desires.
After all the hype is over, I would then help out my many relatives and friends who have bills and pay them all off. Remember, I have to win 40 million - cause I million just wouldn't do it! Of course if I only won 1 million I would have to change my list of what I would do. One million just doesn't go that far these days. I sure wouldn't complain.
I have worked hard all of my life and brought up my family pretty much on my own. So gosh ...... it would be so nice to not worry about money. I am sure I would sleep much better at night.
So please Universe do your magic. I am a gal who is very giving.
Hmmmm well a gal can dream can't she.
It would be so cool to be able to be a secret santa, ho ho ho!
That's it for today.
Your - Diva Money Saver
Monday, December 16, 2013
Finding Ways To Save Money Over Xmas and New Years
As your Diva Money Saver it is my responsibility to try and find ways to save money over Xmas and New Year's. But, hey wait - not so fast - that is an almost impossible feat - even for me.
If only we could go on strike over Xmas. No spending, no partying, no meeting up with family and or friends - how horrible that would be! Well, I am not even going to touch that one with a ten foot pole because for me that would be a fate not worth living. Well, ok I am being a little over dramatic here but you know what I mean. Crap, everything and everywhere you go costs money over Xmas.
Here it is the month to be giving - giving of your time maybe - as most people are laid off right now and don't even have a job. So for most of us giving a lot to charity is not an option. I try to do little things like buy a pizza slice in the subway for United Way. Or, I give some small change to a homeless person once in awhile.
Well, I am happy to announce that I am eating in more and out less. For me that is a big yeah. I have to admit though I do go out for a coffee a few times a week just to inter-act with people.
Meeting up with friends over the holidays does take some pre-planning. If your going to eat out - check over the menu with a fine tooth comb - there just has to be something within your budget. Budget here - being the operative word.
I absolutely hate crowded stores and the Mall during the holidays so I am more likely spending my Shopper's Optimum points. Oh well, now the secret is out.
Gift cards are great for really good friends and family - just don't go over-board. Finding that special gift for someone special can be so darn frustrating when your on a tight budget.
Re-gifting - no - way! Personally, I rather be on the Titantic than do that. Yes, I would never sleep again!
If your really crafty then a nice home made gift would be appreciated but then again it depends on who you are giving it to and what your making.
Just shopping for your own children and their partners, seniors and/or care-givers in the family and the young kids - that is a good compromise. I mean if you tried to give a gift to all of your family you would be in the poor house for sure.
Exchanging gifts with best friends always has me on pins and needles. You worry - will they like it - will they hate it ! That syndrome is very common over the holidays.
My New Year's Resolution is to spend less at Xmas. You notice that this is happening after Xmas - go figure.
What - oh my - is a gal to do?
I wish I could be one of those people who fly off to another country for a month and arrive home on boxing day. Now - that's a happy thought.
But alas, I am one of those people - like everyone else - shopping in the mall at the last minute. Spending money that I shouldn't spend. My head starts to spin and the next thing I know - Xmas is over - my money is all gone - and - then it's "Happy New Year"!
So I will just sign off with a bah hum bug and say - better luck next year!
Your - Diva Money Saver
If only we could go on strike over Xmas. No spending, no partying, no meeting up with family and or friends - how horrible that would be! Well, I am not even going to touch that one with a ten foot pole because for me that would be a fate not worth living. Well, ok I am being a little over dramatic here but you know what I mean. Crap, everything and everywhere you go costs money over Xmas.
Here it is the month to be giving - giving of your time maybe - as most people are laid off right now and don't even have a job. So for most of us giving a lot to charity is not an option. I try to do little things like buy a pizza slice in the subway for United Way. Or, I give some small change to a homeless person once in awhile.
Well, I am happy to announce that I am eating in more and out less. For me that is a big yeah. I have to admit though I do go out for a coffee a few times a week just to inter-act with people.
Meeting up with friends over the holidays does take some pre-planning. If your going to eat out - check over the menu with a fine tooth comb - there just has to be something within your budget. Budget here - being the operative word.
I absolutely hate crowded stores and the Mall during the holidays so I am more likely spending my Shopper's Optimum points. Oh well, now the secret is out.
Gift cards are great for really good friends and family - just don't go over-board. Finding that special gift for someone special can be so darn frustrating when your on a tight budget.
Re-gifting - no - way! Personally, I rather be on the Titantic than do that. Yes, I would never sleep again!
If your really crafty then a nice home made gift would be appreciated but then again it depends on who you are giving it to and what your making.
Just shopping for your own children and their partners, seniors and/or care-givers in the family and the young kids - that is a good compromise. I mean if you tried to give a gift to all of your family you would be in the poor house for sure.
Exchanging gifts with best friends always has me on pins and needles. You worry - will they like it - will they hate it ! That syndrome is very common over the holidays.
My New Year's Resolution is to spend less at Xmas. You notice that this is happening after Xmas - go figure.
What - oh my - is a gal to do?
I wish I could be one of those people who fly off to another country for a month and arrive home on boxing day. Now - that's a happy thought.
But alas, I am one of those people - like everyone else - shopping in the mall at the last minute. Spending money that I shouldn't spend. My head starts to spin and the next thing I know - Xmas is over - my money is all gone - and - then it's "Happy New Year"!
So I will just sign off with a bah hum bug and say - better luck next year!
Your - Diva Money Saver
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Become A Baby Boomer Fruga-lista
You know when you reach a certain age you need to become a baby boomer fruga-lista. This is because if your on a fixed income then you need to be creative and not necessarily a cheap skate to stay afloat each month.
This blog is just to give you - the baby boomer fruga-lista - some ideas to make it through the month.
Empty fridge syndrome: I used to find that if I shopped every week I was throwing out a lot of food. If you basically use everything in your fridge before you go out grocery shopping the tip here is your less inclined to throw out a lot of food. I am not saying starve yourself - I am just saying throw less out. This will help you save money.
Eat in more - eat out less syndrome: If you eat out every day it will add up a lot. I am not saying never ever eat out - I am just saying - watch it - keep tabs - or eat out at cheaper venues. For some seniors - they go out every day for a coffee - and I am not saying never do it - as your social life needs some inter-action - otherwise - you might get depressed especially because of cabin fever.
Eat healthy: fruits and veggies are cheaper than a lot of red meat. I find that if I eat greasy food I start breaking out - ya - I hate that. So, I try to avoid that stuff. It could be hormones too - who knows - it just happens sometimes.
To stay out of the mall during the holidays is probably not going to work too well for you. Just don't impulse shop - take a list - and try to stick to your budget.
Going out with family and friends to eat: find out where they are going so you can plan what your eating. Remember, you can always choose a cheaper item on the menu or maybe just have a salad.
If your a movie fanatic try to go to cheap night at the show which is usually cheap Tuesday. Even your concessions are cheaper on Tuesday night. Maybe it is boring but I do watch a lot of my DVD's over and over again so that I don't get tempted into a Paper-view movie which will add up and go onto your cable bill.
Remember - walking is free - and - if your a people watcher and friendly you can run into neighbours - exchange a smile or a hello - and when you get home you will feel really good. My doggie died some time ago and I really miss the walking with him. Unfortunately, I cannot afford the dog bills any longer so I have decided on a no pet policy for now. The dog bills actually really put my budget into turmoil. Yep, the dentist would be another one. Thank goodness I have a plan. Or, man oh man I would be in trouble.
I don't run in icy weather but I do a lot of exercising in front of the TV. That is free too. Stay away from paper-view movies as that will cost you. Go into all the free TV shows instead.
Curbing your spending will not happen overnight. Sometimes it is a life time of bad habits that we need to stop.
I am all for coupon shopping if you can control your spending. If your for sure buying an item you might as well save from the coupon.
I was trying to become a Coupon Queen but the only store worthwhile to shop where I live is Shopper's Drugmart. Not enough can be said about the Shopper's Optimum Program. Ya, it is a spend to get mentality but if your buying the items that you really need - well - you might as well enjoy the points.
December and January are the worst months for me to save because your out xmas shopping and that does add up and your pocket book probably will take a hit. Try to create a list and stick to it. Don't over-indulge too much because it will take you how many more months to play catch-up.
People today are paying enormous amounts of money on rental housing. The problem for baby boomers is two-fold. First of all there really is no new affordable housing especially for the baby boomer. Most boomers are now paying about 50% of their income on rent and some even more. Secondly, if you don't want to live in a dump you will be paying for it. Better or more rent control is needed in this city if you ask me.
When you retire you think it will be easy to get a part-time job. Think again. Most of the time the employer will see that you are retired and I think they put you at the bottom of the pile. At least I think that is what has been happening. They don't realize that a lot of pensions are small and you are stuck between a rock and a hard place because Toronto is such an expensive city to live in.
Myself I don't give up too easy. I run a self-employed business that I hope will one day be my Plan B. At least for now I can get some tax right-offs. It also gets me out of the apartment net-working so that I don't suffer from cabin fever too often.
I always hope that maybe I will find a job in writing. Do Blogger's get paid? I tried Squidoo and that is a hard job keeping up with all the lenses you have to create. So for me I now go into the site when I am bored. At least writing keeps me out of the mall.
Forget doing surveys from home - been there - done that - they just don't pay enough to make it worth your while. At least not from my experience.
So between calling the temp agency, applying on-line for walmart, lcbo, shopper's drugmart - I just have to hope one day I will get a call for a part-time job. Oh ya - gave out dog flyers - and - that hasn't worked out too well for me.
So try to watch what you spend - and - don't beat yourself up if you fall down because - you just gotta brush yourself off and try over and over again - until you get good at it.
I believe the Universe will send me some good news on the financial front really soon. Oh, you didn't know I was psychic.
That's it for today.
Your - Diva Money Saver
This blog is just to give you - the baby boomer fruga-lista - some ideas to make it through the month.
Empty fridge syndrome: I used to find that if I shopped every week I was throwing out a lot of food. If you basically use everything in your fridge before you go out grocery shopping the tip here is your less inclined to throw out a lot of food. I am not saying starve yourself - I am just saying throw less out. This will help you save money.
Eat in more - eat out less syndrome: If you eat out every day it will add up a lot. I am not saying never ever eat out - I am just saying - watch it - keep tabs - or eat out at cheaper venues. For some seniors - they go out every day for a coffee - and I am not saying never do it - as your social life needs some inter-action - otherwise - you might get depressed especially because of cabin fever.
Eat healthy: fruits and veggies are cheaper than a lot of red meat. I find that if I eat greasy food I start breaking out - ya - I hate that. So, I try to avoid that stuff. It could be hormones too - who knows - it just happens sometimes.
To stay out of the mall during the holidays is probably not going to work too well for you. Just don't impulse shop - take a list - and try to stick to your budget.
Going out with family and friends to eat: find out where they are going so you can plan what your eating. Remember, you can always choose a cheaper item on the menu or maybe just have a salad.
If your a movie fanatic try to go to cheap night at the show which is usually cheap Tuesday. Even your concessions are cheaper on Tuesday night. Maybe it is boring but I do watch a lot of my DVD's over and over again so that I don't get tempted into a Paper-view movie which will add up and go onto your cable bill.
Remember - walking is free - and - if your a people watcher and friendly you can run into neighbours - exchange a smile or a hello - and when you get home you will feel really good. My doggie died some time ago and I really miss the walking with him. Unfortunately, I cannot afford the dog bills any longer so I have decided on a no pet policy for now. The dog bills actually really put my budget into turmoil. Yep, the dentist would be another one. Thank goodness I have a plan. Or, man oh man I would be in trouble.
I don't run in icy weather but I do a lot of exercising in front of the TV. That is free too. Stay away from paper-view movies as that will cost you. Go into all the free TV shows instead.
Curbing your spending will not happen overnight. Sometimes it is a life time of bad habits that we need to stop.
I am all for coupon shopping if you can control your spending. If your for sure buying an item you might as well save from the coupon.
I was trying to become a Coupon Queen but the only store worthwhile to shop where I live is Shopper's Drugmart. Not enough can be said about the Shopper's Optimum Program. Ya, it is a spend to get mentality but if your buying the items that you really need - well - you might as well enjoy the points.
December and January are the worst months for me to save because your out xmas shopping and that does add up and your pocket book probably will take a hit. Try to create a list and stick to it. Don't over-indulge too much because it will take you how many more months to play catch-up.
People today are paying enormous amounts of money on rental housing. The problem for baby boomers is two-fold. First of all there really is no new affordable housing especially for the baby boomer. Most boomers are now paying about 50% of their income on rent and some even more. Secondly, if you don't want to live in a dump you will be paying for it. Better or more rent control is needed in this city if you ask me.
When you retire you think it will be easy to get a part-time job. Think again. Most of the time the employer will see that you are retired and I think they put you at the bottom of the pile. At least I think that is what has been happening. They don't realize that a lot of pensions are small and you are stuck between a rock and a hard place because Toronto is such an expensive city to live in.
Myself I don't give up too easy. I run a self-employed business that I hope will one day be my Plan B. At least for now I can get some tax right-offs. It also gets me out of the apartment net-working so that I don't suffer from cabin fever too often.
I always hope that maybe I will find a job in writing. Do Blogger's get paid? I tried Squidoo and that is a hard job keeping up with all the lenses you have to create. So for me I now go into the site when I am bored. At least writing keeps me out of the mall.
Forget doing surveys from home - been there - done that - they just don't pay enough to make it worth your while. At least not from my experience.
So between calling the temp agency, applying on-line for walmart, lcbo, shopper's drugmart - I just have to hope one day I will get a call for a part-time job. Oh ya - gave out dog flyers - and - that hasn't worked out too well for me.
So try to watch what you spend - and - don't beat yourself up if you fall down because - you just gotta brush yourself off and try over and over again - until you get good at it.
I believe the Universe will send me some good news on the financial front really soon. Oh, you didn't know I was psychic.
That's it for today.
Your - Diva Money Saver
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