Friday, November 23, 2012

Squidoo and Survey Fever

I just thought I would check in  with my faithful readers and let you know this blog post will be short. I have been fighting off a bug - so - not in my best form today that is for sure.

Ya about surveys - when your sick - your not into them. It is very irritating to say the least when a survey place takes the information and then says you didn`t qualify for the survey - are they mad!

Too sick today to do all of my Avon books too - that`s not so good!

Hope to be back to my good old self  by Monday - anti-biotics and puffers - oh gosh!

Well Squidoo as usual put three of my blogs in the red as works in progress. I really wish they would stop doing that. That is really irritating and giving me a Squidoo fever!

I hope people are reading my RSS Feeds on Squidoo because that is where I have put my RSS Feeds and seem to be getting my most traffic so far. Not exactly a traffic jam just yet!

I really hope this blog is monetized but too sick to figure that out today!

Click the link below if your wondering how you as a webmaster can make money from an Affiliate Program!
Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

Feel like showing me some love - click on the Affiliate Adds - you never know you might find a poster you will want to buy for one of your kids or yourself.

And, if you love Art - click on that one you might find something.


My wish right now is to find my Prince Charming to take me away on a magic carpet to a wonderful fairy tale place and live happily ever after! Ha, ha - isn`t that every one`s wish. I gotta get out more!

Take care.

Your Money Saving Diva

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Squidoo Blogger claims to make over 2,000 dollars a day on-line!

I was just on Squidoo and a lensmaster on this writing platform claims to be making over $2,000 dollars
on-line! I am so sure that is no easy feat. Not saying he isn't - just saying - buyer beware! What I did not see is if it was a daily amount or a monthly amount. Monthly - with a lot of affiliate sales - ya that could be possible! He did say he makes it on his personal blog not on Squidoo. So, many he really does!

His claim to this grand money feat is from a program called Google Sniper 2. I have never heard of this program. But, I plan to do some research and report back. Not saying that I am buying it!

One headache for me today is that I am worried that I have not put my adsense code onto Blogger - this blog!

That is another reason I love Squidoo because all the systems are built right in. No worries - no hassle.

So, I will have to go into my Adsense Account when I have time and copy and paste the code in here and see if anything happens.

One other problem is that Adsense takes a few days to start showing adds because I had to reactivate my adsense account because they don't allow you to use more than one e-mail name. Makes sense!

Did you know that you can get travel coupons on e-bay? I didn't - what a wonderful place to search for coupons if you are planning a trip! You do have to buy them though.

Christmas is coming and I am looking on-line to make some extra cash. I am trying to make sure they are all legitimate sites - like I said - you have to be careful!

I did join a few on-line surveys so again I will report back if I ever make any cash!

I just realized yesterday that Hub Pages is a writing platform that does pay out. The only problem again is you have to add all of your Affiliate programs to each page and also any pay modules. Seems somewhat complicated after me being spoiled by Squidoo's easy to use programs.

I am putting my Affiliate programs on each page in Blogger!  If your interested I can help you and you can help me!

Here they are

Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

Are you an Art Lover just click the add below:


Maybe with the holidays coming you want a cool poster for one of your kid's room or maybe yours. Again, just click on the add below:

I have to report that my Avon business so far is just a hobby. I need to get out there and walk the beat to get more customers. You can make money with Avon but I personally like to see who I am putting orders together for. So I am not too high tech in this regard. Yes, I do send some customers an e-brochure and talk about Avon in my blogs but I do not solicit Avon customers from the internet. It's like on-line banking - I just don't do it!

So, I think between Squidoo, Affiliate Marketing, Surveys, and my Avon - maybe - one day - I will be making some passive income.  I will keep you posted.

Over and Out.

Your Diva Money Saver


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Squidoo Addicted

I realized today that Squidoo may or may not be the answer to my prayers. So far no pay but then again I am just a newbie to Squidoo. Look at that a Squid Angel is blessing this lens - way to go!

The reason I love Squidoo is because of all the user friendly pay modules built right in. Will see down the road if anything pays off.

I do put my blogger RSS feeds on my Squidoo lenses and they have some Affiliate programs on them so again I have my fingers crossed.

Well, I did join some pay surveys on-line so here is hoping I make some income from that! You see I am really not at all that tech savy. But, I am getting better at it every single day.

I suppose I should buy something from an internet genius -  my problem is - there is just so much on-line stuff to go through and you don't want someone scamming you.

I did subscribe for free to but again I have to absorb all the tips she is handing out for free.

I suppose you can call me Squidoo Addicted because I just love the format of Squidoo. I do have one hub page but again I have to say I find Squidoo much more user friendly.

Just a few quick questions that might end up making me some cool quick cash!

Do you go love posters? If so just click on the add below.

Are you an Art lover? No problem - just click on the link below and you will see the cheap prices - I think you will be pleased.


I still find no matter how much I complain that Squidoo still has me hooked.

Anyway, this Squidoo Addict has to sign off.

By for now.

Your Diva Money Saver

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Squidoo Blogger Frustration

Today it was very frustrating for me as a Writer / Blogger to be spending so much of my precious time editing - ten - yes ten - lenses that I created on Squidoo. Like many new Squidoo Bloggers I have a lot of patience but let me tell you today Squidoo tested me!
The reason I love Squidoo lenses is that I find the formatting and all the built in modules very easy to use - yes - very user friendly.  I like the fact that Squidoo has Adsense already built in. No fuss no muss! And, the pay modules such as Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, Cafe Press, and I-Tunes are so easy to add to the lens. Yes, Squidoo ranks high with me on these points.

Also, Squidoo allows me to put my very own RSS feeds right on my lens.

Another great feature is how all the picture modules and themes work on Squidoo - again - not too shabby.

Squidoo also ranks your lens so you pretty much know how well your doing. It is very easy to publish your lens right away and it does show up on Google pretty fast. You can also facebook, and tweet your lens whenever you update it.

My main blogger frustration with Squidoo is how long it takes to pay a lensmaster. If you ever do get paid?
I read in the Squidoo forum there is usually a two month lag before you might see any money! So someone could be writing their heart out on Squidoo and see .50 cents after two months! Yes, that possibility exists if nobody buys anything off of the pay modules from your lens.

Click the link below if your wondering how you as a webmaster can make money from an Affiliate Program!
Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

Not interested in that - but - you are looking to buy a cool poster for someone in your family. Well, check out the link below. You will be amazed at what you will find.

Are you an Art lover - no problem - just click on the link below and you will see the cheap prices - I think you will be pleased.


I will let you know if anyone ever buys anything from an Affiliate program. That would be so nice!

So it's time for me to sign off and wish you all a good night.


Your Diva Money Saver


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blogs are High Maintenance

Hi there

Today I did a lot of maintenance on Squidoo. If your lens goes from green to red you have to find some extra content that is relevant to add to the lens. After about a day or two it goes back into the green and gets a new lens ranking.

I joined a few surveys that are suppose to pay you - well - will see if I have the time to do them.

A blog called Storylane sent me two e-mails requesting me to blog with them but I have to do some research. I mean does Storylane even pay you?

I havn't had much time to invest yet in Hub Pages so I have only one hub page over there.

I can now add two RSS fees to my Squidoo pages and the RSS feeds are from Blogger. On blogger I have two affiliate adds - so here is hoping - someone buys something.

Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$


I also received an e-mail from a blogger: about generating traffic to your blog but again I need the time to absorb the information.

Oh Adsense finally straightened out my account. You cannot use two different e-mail accounts. I guess that makes sense!

When I make a Squidoo  pay day you will be the first to know.

So the Money Diva hasn't made one red cent yet for her writing - that is crazy!

I so want to be that Millionaire Lady in her Limo drinking some fine wine!

I am really not sure if Squidoo or Avon are gonna do it for me!

Cheers for now.

Your Diva Money Saver


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Making a Passive Income On-line

Today I thought I would talk about making a passive income on-line. I love blogging so here I am. Making money on-line can be an over-whelming experience to a new blogger - like me!

I am presently writing this blog and right now I am not sure if Adsense is working or not. I hope it is. I guess I will have to look into that!

Another thing that the Diva Money Saver - Me - is doing is writing on Squidoo. I happen to love Squidoo because Adsense is built into the program. You see - no guessing - it just is.  I like that. It is very user friendly. Squidoo also has pay modules that you just apply on the page like - Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, Cafe Press, and I-Tunes. If someone buys something from one of my lenses I will make a passive income.

Next I created a one page blog on Hub Pages. I am not sure how Hub Pages works - so - I will continue to build content on there but again - I am a newbie - so I have a lot to learn. Again, I am not sure if it is monetized with Adsense.  I did not find it as user friendly so far as Squidoo.

Last but not least I now have applied and been accepted for two Affiliate Programs. They are: and You can make a pretty good commission off a sale with these programs.
I'll let you know how I make out.

Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

Another love of my life are Comics. Whether or not you are a Spiderman Lover or any other kinda Super-Hero lover just click on the link below to see the collection - you won't be sorry! Every kids bedroom wall would look great with one of the posters of their favourite Super-hero!

So, to sum everything up - I will let you know if any of these types of passive income streams work out. There is a lot of studying on my part to do.


The Diva Money Saver!
