Thursday, November 8, 2012

Making a Passive Income On-line

Today I thought I would talk about making a passive income on-line. I love blogging so here I am. Making money on-line can be an over-whelming experience to a new blogger - like me!

I am presently writing this blog and right now I am not sure if Adsense is working or not. I hope it is. I guess I will have to look into that!

Another thing that the Diva Money Saver - Me - is doing is writing on Squidoo. I happen to love Squidoo because Adsense is built into the program. You see - no guessing - it just is.  I like that. It is very user friendly. Squidoo also has pay modules that you just apply on the page like - Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, Cafe Press, and I-Tunes. If someone buys something from one of my lenses I will make a passive income.

Next I created a one page blog on Hub Pages. I am not sure how Hub Pages works - so - I will continue to build content on there but again - I am a newbie - so I have a lot to learn. Again, I am not sure if it is monetized with Adsense.  I did not find it as user friendly so far as Squidoo.

Last but not least I now have applied and been accepted for two Affiliate Programs. They are: and You can make a pretty good commission off a sale with these programs.
I'll let you know how I make out.

Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

Another love of my life are Comics. Whether or not you are a Spiderman Lover or any other kinda Super-Hero lover just click on the link below to see the collection - you won't be sorry! Every kids bedroom wall would look great with one of the posters of their favourite Super-hero!

So, to sum everything up - I will let you know if any of these types of passive income streams work out. There is a lot of studying on my part to do.


The Diva Money Saver!


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