Friday, November 23, 2012

Squidoo and Survey Fever

I just thought I would check in  with my faithful readers and let you know this blog post will be short. I have been fighting off a bug - so - not in my best form today that is for sure.

Ya about surveys - when your sick - your not into them. It is very irritating to say the least when a survey place takes the information and then says you didn`t qualify for the survey - are they mad!

Too sick today to do all of my Avon books too - that`s not so good!

Hope to be back to my good old self  by Monday - anti-biotics and puffers - oh gosh!

Well Squidoo as usual put three of my blogs in the red as works in progress. I really wish they would stop doing that. That is really irritating and giving me a Squidoo fever!

I hope people are reading my RSS Feeds on Squidoo because that is where I have put my RSS Feeds and seem to be getting my most traffic so far. Not exactly a traffic jam just yet!

I really hope this blog is monetized but too sick to figure that out today!

Click the link below if your wondering how you as a webmaster can make money from an Affiliate Program!
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And, if you love Art - click on that one you might find something.


My wish right now is to find my Prince Charming to take me away on a magic carpet to a wonderful fairy tale place and live happily ever after! Ha, ha - isn`t that every one`s wish. I gotta get out more!

Take care.

Your Money Saving Diva

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