Monday, November 12, 2012

Squidoo Blogger Frustration

Today it was very frustrating for me as a Writer / Blogger to be spending so much of my precious time editing - ten - yes ten - lenses that I created on Squidoo. Like many new Squidoo Bloggers I have a lot of patience but let me tell you today Squidoo tested me!
The reason I love Squidoo lenses is that I find the formatting and all the built in modules very easy to use - yes - very user friendly.  I like the fact that Squidoo has Adsense already built in. No fuss no muss! And, the pay modules such as Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, Cafe Press, and I-Tunes are so easy to add to the lens. Yes, Squidoo ranks high with me on these points.

Also, Squidoo allows me to put my very own RSS feeds right on my lens.

Another great feature is how all the picture modules and themes work on Squidoo - again - not too shabby.

Squidoo also ranks your lens so you pretty much know how well your doing. It is very easy to publish your lens right away and it does show up on Google pretty fast. You can also facebook, and tweet your lens whenever you update it.

My main blogger frustration with Squidoo is how long it takes to pay a lensmaster. If you ever do get paid?
I read in the Squidoo forum there is usually a two month lag before you might see any money! So someone could be writing their heart out on Squidoo and see .50 cents after two months! Yes, that possibility exists if nobody buys anything off of the pay modules from your lens.

Click the link below if your wondering how you as a webmaster can make money from an Affiliate Program!
Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

Not interested in that - but - you are looking to buy a cool poster for someone in your family. Well, check out the link below. You will be amazed at what you will find.

Are you an Art lover - no problem - just click on the link below and you will see the cheap prices - I think you will be pleased.


I will let you know if anyone ever buys anything from an Affiliate program. That would be so nice!

So it's time for me to sign off and wish you all a good night.


Your Diva Money Saver


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