Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Squidoo Payday is today and I made a big seventy five cents!

Oh my goodness, Squidoo payday is today and I made a huge seventy five cents! Well, it has gone up from thirteen cents. I think I need to - win the lotto -  as this blogging gig is not paying out! Not only that I am so much of a computer geek lady that I have no idea why - since - I saved my Squidoo settings to put text adds in my lens and it still does not seem to be working. So what gives? I might have to report it to Squidoo as a bug in their system!

Then back to my iddy bitty blog here and I havn`t gotten one comment. Ok, so what gives with that? Maybe the blog is so totally boring ......... ok ........ I said it ....... that nobody cares enough to comment. But, I betcha dollars to donuts that something is wrong with the blog from a technical aspect.

Now -  to my passive income update - if Google Adsense had not sent me a two figure income last month I probably would have thrown in the towel with this blogging. But, it does help keep my mind, fingers, and my writing up to date.

I was thinking of actually reading Potpiegirl`s one week success program. She really is a stay at home Mom successful blogger. So, who ..... do you trust - some big shot - like John Chow - or a common sense honourable Squidooer like Potpiegirl? I vote for Potpiegirl cause she is down to earth and not complicated.
Well, I will let you know!

Many newbie bloggers like myself read on-line how to make money - for - free. It just seems to take forever to figure it all out.

I love Affiliate Marketing. I really think this is the way to go. If your interested in getting started with that just click on the add link below

Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

If you want to order a cool poster then this add post is for you!

So, with a big seventy five cents in the Squidoo hopper I am just going to call it quits for today.

As Seth Godin the creator of Squidoo said in one of his books - you need to first fail in order to succeed. Thanks Seth!

That seems to be what is happening here! So, I am on track oh ya! Heck, off to buy a lotto ticket seems with that I have better odds.


Just me - Your Diva Money Saver

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