Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Squidoo Rejected Me From The Giant Squid Club

Hey - I was so sad to be rejected from Squidoo's Giant Squid Club! Yes rejected! But, it probably is a good thing so that I whip all of my Squidoo lenses into better shape.

You see Squidoo is a writing platform but to win out in Squidoo I think you need a lot of good quality lenses and eventually these will get a better ranking.

Squidoo does love me anyway - I have after all won 20 trophies.

I am at level 49 which is a good thing - I think!

Loads of points too!

But, getting a huge thirteen cents from August through to September - well - that is just crazy!

I am sure that my writing is better than a kick in the pants!

I did make a huge two figure income from Google Adsense - so that kind of saved me from the blogger blues.

If anyone ever told me it was easy to make money from blogging - well - they must know all of the blogging secrets.

One thing I do notice is that Susan52 and potpiegirl.com both who do squidoo lenses have e-books on sale with Amazon. They must really know Squidoo pretty good to have an  e-book out there.

I did subscribe to potpiegirl.com - her feed. And, I do get some free useful advice from her from time to time.

Another big frustration is that every day I am tweeking at least 5 Squidoo lenses so they move from red back to green.  If they are in the red you won't ever get paid for them.

So, Squidoo is very high maintenance and so far very little return for all of my hard work.

I mean is my writing really that bad?

No, it's because you need to focus and find a niche that lots of people will fall in love with.

You also need a crystal ball to see what everyone is looking up on google! Popular subjects, key words, just trying to drive traffic to your site.

Maybe 2013 will be a better year.

Here's hoping.

From Me - Your Diva Money Saver

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