Saturday, January 5, 2013

Teaching Myself How To Blog

When your a fairly new blogger I think it's important to just keep it simple. If you worry yourself silly about all of the claims out there in the blogisphere of riches to be had on the internet you will be truly over-whelmed.

The thing I love about Blogger is that it is free to create your own blog. Yep, it doesn't cost you a penny. So free is a good thing.

Let`s use Squidoo as an example. Yes, I do blog on Squidoo and find it very entertaining but frustrating at the same time. Tomorrow, I have about 6 lenses (my writing) to fix up. But, in the morning it probably will be more like 10 lenses to fix up. Time consuming and little financial compensation for all of my hard work.

Yet I can take my blogger post and copy and paste it into my Squidoo RSS feed!  And walla my RSS feed  will automatically show up on Squidoo. Pretty cool if you ask me. I just found this out by trial and error.

Now I did not make any big bucks yet on Squidoo. Well, okay a big thirteen cents to be exact. It won't payout until it hits my one dollar threshold. Big bucks to be had here! Really! I mean really!

So, I have no idea how a so called Captain Squid ever made a $500.00 payday on Squidoo. Ouch, ouch, ouch, when I compare my thirteen cents to that one!

Even who is a Squidoo lensmaster has on her own website some kind of one week course to success. She is not asking for any money - as far as I can see. But, what happens after the one week course? Well, then I betcha she is asking for some type of financial compensation. When I have time to do it - or decide to do it - I will let you know.

Another Squidoo lensmaster who is doing well is called Susan52. This Susan is selling her E-book on Amazon and I think it's called: I Squidoo Do You? Catchy, very catchy!

Well, it seems that a guy called the Wealthy Affiliate knows Potpiegirl because he talks about her and she talks about him. Hmmm is something going on here? I mean in a business sense just so ya know! The Wealthy Affiliate claims to know how to blast Google Adwords out of the water and have you in control!
Pretty darn interesting if anything else. Oh, and he charges some money for the information. But, of course he does. That is partly why he is the Wealthy...... Affiliate - get it!

Now, when I was snooping around on the internet I found a site by a John Chow. John describes in full detail how he makes a lot of money on the internet - each and every day! He enjoys all the finer things in life!
He does charge money for his course. Again, well, of course he does. This is how John Chow probably makes most of his money. Ya, wanna bet! Oh ya!

So as a newbie blogger it is like who do you trust? Is paying out the money you don't have worth the pain? Or, will you be like me - a little buyer beware - and just keep on doing what works and try to stop doing what doesn't work.

My plan of attack is to get that book called: Blogging for Dummies. Yep, that's me all right! Well, maybe I would be ready for Blogging for Dummies 2. If that even exists!

Some time this week I need to explore why my comments are not working. Wow - learning how to blog is really a lot of work.

Blogging doesn't even guarantee you a pay cheque. Yet, some bloggers like John Chow would have you believe otherwise. Maybe John is right. Who really knows? I don't - not yet anyway.

So, slow as a snail I will go. Taking the high path from rags to riches. If anyone has any great tips I am all ears. But, it must be a free tip thank you very much!

When I know how to blog - guess what - you will be the first to know! I promise!

Happy New Year to You

From Me - Your Diva Money Saver

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