I have been reading a lot about rich people because wouldn't we all like to be healthy and filthy rich? Maybe some people don't want it - so - why are we still buying lotto tickets?
It is interesting that the richest people in the world - are rich - from investments - not wages! Yes, just read up anywhere about rich people and that is the bottom line.
You notice that I have stated - health - and that is because our health is our wealth! Without health we have nothing. No money in the world can change that!
Yet they do say the more money you have the healthier you are. I guess this is because you can afford to buy the best foods, supplements, and exercise programs.
Yes, jog around on a cruise ship - doesn't that just sound great?
Or get your heart pumping doing the walk about in Las Vegas. Yes, tons of walking!
How about swimming in the Bahamas or Cuba? Maybe, the pool I'm afraid of sharks!
Just walking everywhere - marathons - are pretty much held in every country of the world.
I think anonymously rich is cool - that - way you can keep a low profile and you won't need body guards.
It would just be great to give to all of your favourite charities and your heart will then be in a good place too.
So, if you stay anonymously rich you can do whatever you want - when - and - where - and - how - is no problem. No problem at all.
You can afford a personal shopper - oh ya.
You can get a beauty make-over - whoo la la.
Have your very own personal trainer - yes oh yes!
No more mortgage or rent payments - hee ha!
The list can just go on and on.
You can really make sure all of your family and friends are taken care of too. So, again you are not buying love - but - sharing some!
Anonymously Rich - why not?
Maybe it will happen in the New Year.
Happy New Year Everyone
Me - Your Diva Money Saver
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Peter Parker Really is Dead! Is this really the end of Spiderman?
I was shocked that Peter Parker really is dead. He is aka Spiderman. Peter Parker somehow got trapped in the dying body of his nemesis Doctor Octobus - that is all I know.
The reason I am so sad is that I always loved Peter Parker for his inner strength to be a good guy. Will the death of Peter Parker affect the value of all the Spiderman Comic Collections? Good Question! The answer my friend is - wait and see. The thing of about the comic world is this. On minute they are killing off our beloved Super Heroes. And, then sometime later it is like the resurrection - I`m back! You get what I mean. And, in a few weeks we will see what exactly is coming out. Now, the new Spiderman comics without Peter Parker - now - that is going to be weird. What in the world are they up to in comic land? Good question again! By the way, if you want to buy a cool Spiderman poster just click on this link:
I think that the world wasn't really ready over the holidays regarding the death of Peter Parker. Maybe, so many bad things happen in real life to good people - that - killing off a good guy - was really bad news. But, let`s put it all in perspective. Peter Parker is not and never will be a real person. He is a comic book hero - and - that is it. Sure President Obama loved Peter Parker aka Spiderman since he was a kid. And, Peter Parker`s name will go down in history as the original Spiderman. Yet, you really have to be a bad person to offend the writer of the Spiderman comics. Why is it his fault?After all he is the creator of the comic and the ultimate demise of the character really is up to him! So, I guess we will all need to sleep with one eye open now - that - Peter Parker - is dead. But, only in your dreams! This is all I have to say on the subject for now! Cheers
From Me - Your Diva Money Saver
From Me - Your Diva Money Saver
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Peter Parker aka Spiderman has died! Shocking Headliner!
Wow, I just heard the news that Peter Parker aka Spiderman has died. Yes, he has been killed off. And, some nasty people have even sent death threats to the comic book writer. Now that is just darn crazy! After all were talking about a comic book hero not a real person. Peter Parker got trapped in the dying body of his nemesis Doctor Octobus - that is all I know. I was shocked to hear that Peter Parker actually died for good.
The comic shop must have been busy selling the Spiderman Number 700 on Wednesday, I wish I had of made it to the store because I am sure they are sold out. I can just imagine what they want for the variant cover. I didn`t think the cover was very great - did you?
I wonder what President Obama thinks about his favourite comic book hero since a kid being killed off? Will the value of the Spiderman comics take a plunge or go up in value? Now here is the thing. All of the comic shop websites are going to get a lot of traffic! Traffic can make you a lot of money. The more traffic - the higher chance - you will make money from your site. So, I am going to try and sell something related to Spiderman. Just click on the link below and buy a Spiderman poster. Your kids will love it.
If you want to put a great Affiliate Marketer on your blog just click the link below:
Webmasters Make $$$ Actually, I am using this blog as an experiment to see how many hits I get. To see if anyone buys anything off of the site as well. You see one big internet secret is to post things that are big headliners! I will let you all know if the experiment works! I love Google Adsense because they actually do help you make a passive income. But, again your site has to generate enough hits to be able to do this. Or, if someone buys something off of one of your pay modules. Squidoo peeved me off today just to let you know because they just wanted me to tweek 11 works in progress. Who really has the time? If anyone has any internet secrets they would like to share with me - I am all ears! Sadly, I am grieving about Peter Parker aka Spiderman because like President Obama - he was one of my favourite comic books heroes.
But, don`t dispair - their will be a resurrection of some type - so Spiderman - I think the Ultimate Spiderman will be born. Just that he will have a different mind and soul! Good or bad - will see! Did I get more traffic to my site from this shocking headline? I will let you know. Cheers
Your Diva Money Saver
The comic shop must have been busy selling the Spiderman Number 700 on Wednesday, I wish I had of made it to the store because I am sure they are sold out. I can just imagine what they want for the variant cover. I didn`t think the cover was very great - did you?
Your Diva Money Saver
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Blogger Heaven
One day I am in Blogger Heaven and then I go into my Squidoo dashboard and they have put at least 10 of my lenses in the: in progress category! Now, I am no longer totally in the green light section, heck no - now I am in the red light district so to speak. Not only that - now I have one big blogger headache - maintenance - of all those Squidoo lenses.
Well, I did see that Susan52 who has an e-book on Amazon is still a Squidoo lensmaster. She is one of the top ones I am sure. After all to write an e-book is pretty cool and amazing. I think her book is called: I Squidoo do you?
Another pretty wise blogger is Potpiegirl.com who also tells you how you can make money on Squidoo. I think she is still a Squidoo lensmaster but not 100% sure. But, you can subscribe to her feed and get some helpful tips for free. That is what I have done. I could of sworn I saw that she has an e-book on Amazon too.
The Wealthy Affiliate - I believe that Potpiegirl.com has referenced him on some of her posts. This is why I believe these two are aware of each other. The Wealthy Affiliate apparently now has an e-book that puts you in control of Google Adwords - really? That sure is a pretty big promise!
Now, John Chow he is one famous blogger who boasts about having the good life and he also claims to know all of the secrets to make you and me rich. Really? What if you buy something and find it too technical? Sure there is a money back guarantee but as I have always said: do your research and buyer beware!
The only way for me to go straight to Blogger Heaven (in my dreams) is to do what I know is working and not do what I know isn't working. Ok, that sounds pretty easy but not so fast. Sometimes you get no pay - ok - I made a whole thirteen cents from Squidoo - and - your pretty much in the dark how this could be. The problem here is that Squidoo has a two month lag so if you sell something in September from a pay module for example it won't be reflected until November. If you sell something in November it won't show up until January. And, your lens ranking - the Squidoo Gods - well - they are not always smiling upon us lensmasters!
The only good that could possibly come of this - is that a Squid Angel - might bless all of my Squidoo lenses. Especially, right now during the holidays.

Were all running around silly and then I have such a high maintenance blog! I thought us women were high maintenance - not blogs! So, now I have learned something - oh my gosh - my innocence has been stolen!
Ok Squid Angel do your thing - I do need all of the divine intervention - that is possible!
Hopefully, you didn't go bankrupt over Xmas. It is so much better to give than receive but you do have to use a list and stay on budget. Otherwise, you will be suffering from the January blues.
OMG - a whole thirteen cents from Squidoo. Hey - that puts me in the category of making slave wages!
So, trust me if you have a day job that is pretty good. Don't give it up counting on Squidoo.
Well, that brings to mind a Captain Squid that claims at one point he made a big pay day on Squidoo of $500.00. Yes, he did I think! He has his own website and on Amazon he has T-Shirts and Mugs. Nice gig Captain Squid. Not sure if he is still on Squidoo?
Oh, and you really can get addicted to Squidoo. Now, someone has on Amazon - Squidoo Addicted products. Again, another person with a great idea making lots of cash. Great gig whoever you are?
So, enough of my whining and complaining I have some Squidoo lenses that need attention. If I ignore them I will never ever make any passive income!
Take care and feel free to post a comment. I keep meaning to google this up because I have not received any comments - so - I think something is wrong! But, it shows as having been set-up properly. Probably a dumb computer glitch! Just what I need! Great send me a comment if you can about this problem!
Take care and watch those pennies.
Me - Your Diva Money Saver
Well, I did see that Susan52 who has an e-book on Amazon is still a Squidoo lensmaster. She is one of the top ones I am sure. After all to write an e-book is pretty cool and amazing. I think her book is called: I Squidoo do you?
Another pretty wise blogger is Potpiegirl.com who also tells you how you can make money on Squidoo. I think she is still a Squidoo lensmaster but not 100% sure. But, you can subscribe to her feed and get some helpful tips for free. That is what I have done. I could of sworn I saw that she has an e-book on Amazon too.
The Wealthy Affiliate - I believe that Potpiegirl.com has referenced him on some of her posts. This is why I believe these two are aware of each other. The Wealthy Affiliate apparently now has an e-book that puts you in control of Google Adwords - really? That sure is a pretty big promise!
Now, John Chow he is one famous blogger who boasts about having the good life and he also claims to know all of the secrets to make you and me rich. Really? What if you buy something and find it too technical? Sure there is a money back guarantee but as I have always said: do your research and buyer beware!
The only way for me to go straight to Blogger Heaven (in my dreams) is to do what I know is working and not do what I know isn't working. Ok, that sounds pretty easy but not so fast. Sometimes you get no pay - ok - I made a whole thirteen cents from Squidoo - and - your pretty much in the dark how this could be. The problem here is that Squidoo has a two month lag so if you sell something in September from a pay module for example it won't be reflected until November. If you sell something in November it won't show up until January. And, your lens ranking - the Squidoo Gods - well - they are not always smiling upon us lensmasters!
The only good that could possibly come of this - is that a Squid Angel - might bless all of my Squidoo lenses. Especially, right now during the holidays.

Were all running around silly and then I have such a high maintenance blog! I thought us women were high maintenance - not blogs! So, now I have learned something - oh my gosh - my innocence has been stolen!
Ok Squid Angel do your thing - I do need all of the divine intervention - that is possible!
Hopefully, you didn't go bankrupt over Xmas. It is so much better to give than receive but you do have to use a list and stay on budget. Otherwise, you will be suffering from the January blues.
OMG - a whole thirteen cents from Squidoo. Hey - that puts me in the category of making slave wages!
So, trust me if you have a day job that is pretty good. Don't give it up counting on Squidoo.
Well, that brings to mind a Captain Squid that claims at one point he made a big pay day on Squidoo of $500.00. Yes, he did I think! He has his own website and on Amazon he has T-Shirts and Mugs. Nice gig Captain Squid. Not sure if he is still on Squidoo?
Oh, and you really can get addicted to Squidoo. Now, someone has on Amazon - Squidoo Addicted products. Again, another person with a great idea making lots of cash. Great gig whoever you are?
So, enough of my whining and complaining I have some Squidoo lenses that need attention. If I ignore them I will never ever make any passive income!
Take care and feel free to post a comment. I keep meaning to google this up because I have not received any comments - so - I think something is wrong! But, it shows as having been set-up properly. Probably a dumb computer glitch! Just what I need! Great send me a comment if you can about this problem!
Take care and watch those pennies.
Me - Your Diva Money Saver
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Let the Squidoo Games Begin!
Let the Squidoo Games begin! Bring then on! I am ready! What, Squidoo is not a game you say! Well, if that is true - why is it - that - I win points and trophies?
Squidoo would make a great game. Think about it! My writing is hot off the presses and a Squid Angel decides to bless my lens. Wow, very angelic. This game is fun!

Next I have written enough good quality lenses that I can even join the Giant Squid Club. Wow, how cool is that. Well - that doesn`t necessarily mean they will accept me right off the bat. Gosh, more paper work just to apply!
And, just like any other game Squidoo has rules. If by chance, I forgot to follow all of their rules they can lock out any one of my lenses. Ouch! I think just about everyone at some point in the early days of Squidoo has had a lens or two locked out! I just delete those ones and l carry on. After all I want to win at this game!
And, just when I do finally feel ahead of the game my Squidoo lenses start going from green to red - just like - a darn traffic light. So, ah ha they have upped the ante. This means that I have to tweek my lenses. Hopefully, I will have a few hours to play at this! This part of the game is hurtful but no harm is done because you see I am a real trooper and with my head held high - again - I just carry on writing.
Now it`s time to see what the other Squids are doing. Gosh, I have never had a lens of the day! Now, they are really making me feel bad! Is my writing really that bad? Me, who took a fiction writing course at the Chang School part of Ryerson University. And, now I am a paid writer on Squidoo. Yes, I made a whole thirteen cents for September and October. Wow, Squidoo really knows how to pay their writers. Less than minimum wage - is that - even allowed? Yes, in the Squidoo rule book it is!
The Squidoo community is the fun part of the game where other Squid hopefuls give comments, the thumbs up, and even Squid like your lens. Wow, that really is fun! Then in return you are critiquing your fellow Squid lenses and sometimes that is a lot of reading and to tell you the truth - more time - from my own valuable writing. But, guess what? This whole process helps me to build better and better lenses.
Just the small chance of someone buying something off of one of my pay modules from one of my many lenses really makes me want have more playtime. It is after all a game of chance you see. I mean who really knows in the world of the internet who will buy something off of one of my Amazon modules, or maybe Cafe Press, or E-Bay, or Orbitz, or maybe I-Tunes? Do you feel that adrenal rush? Yes, the Squidoo game is really starting to heat up. The chance of possibly having a big Squidoo payday is now dancing in my head. Now you get it!
I made a two figure income from google adsense this month - and - I am sure it was because someone bought something. That sure was a nice surprise. I need more surprises. Or, there were enough people going into the adds on the page and the click rate was really good. Wow, a whole added feature to the game. The unknown! Maybe someone bought something from one of my Affiliate adds on my blogger page? Yes, my blogger pages go right into my Squidoo lenses with an RSS Feed. Again, I don`t know what I am doing but it sure is fun!
As your Money Diva I have to tell you this Squidoo writing platform takes time to win. It is a game of chicken really. I mean you chase after the dream ...... of becoming rich from blogging ..... and you wake up the next morning - disappointed time and time again. So, why do I keep playing (writing)? Cause you can get addicted to Squidoo. Yes, the more lenses you write the more addicted you get.
And, someone out there is cashing in on Squidoo Addict Mugs, and T-Shirts. A great gig if you can get it!
And, another thing - a guy named Captain Squid claims at one time to have made a $500.00 a day pay day from Squidoo. Great headline Captain Squid who-ever you are! Now, Captain Squid has e-books on Amazon, T-Shirts and Mugs on Cafe Press. He is really raking in the money.
And, Seth Godin, the creator of Squidoo - well - he is an inter-net genius and has authored countless books. He has lots of You Tube videos, and is a great public speaker. Again, a very rich Squid, the big Daddy of Squidoo.
So, where does this leave me in the Squidoo game? In unchartered territory - that - is where. Writer's limbo!
As your money saving diva I have to tell you - shhhhh - it's a secret - don't give up your day job - not - just yet anyway. Or you might find yourself in your very own debtor's prison. A writer's hell! A starving artist if you will!
I get it now the game just never ends. It's all entirely up to you. To just keep blindly writing and playing in the Squidoo Game with both your fingers and toes crossed. Or, find a real writing job out there in this big bad city! Now because of blogging do those great writing jobs even exist anymore? I mean they are laying off writer's left right and centre cause everything is going digital. Progress? Ya right sorry to say!
On a happier note. Everyone just have a grand holiday.
Your Diva Money Saver
Squidoo would make a great game. Think about it! My writing is hot off the presses and a Squid Angel decides to bless my lens. Wow, very angelic. This game is fun!

Next I have written enough good quality lenses that I can even join the Giant Squid Club. Wow, how cool is that. Well - that doesn`t necessarily mean they will accept me right off the bat. Gosh, more paper work just to apply!
And, just like any other game Squidoo has rules. If by chance, I forgot to follow all of their rules they can lock out any one of my lenses. Ouch! I think just about everyone at some point in the early days of Squidoo has had a lens or two locked out! I just delete those ones and l carry on. After all I want to win at this game!
And, just when I do finally feel ahead of the game my Squidoo lenses start going from green to red - just like - a darn traffic light. So, ah ha they have upped the ante. This means that I have to tweek my lenses. Hopefully, I will have a few hours to play at this! This part of the game is hurtful but no harm is done because you see I am a real trooper and with my head held high - again - I just carry on writing.
Now it`s time to see what the other Squids are doing. Gosh, I have never had a lens of the day! Now, they are really making me feel bad! Is my writing really that bad? Me, who took a fiction writing course at the Chang School part of Ryerson University. And, now I am a paid writer on Squidoo. Yes, I made a whole thirteen cents for September and October. Wow, Squidoo really knows how to pay their writers. Less than minimum wage - is that - even allowed? Yes, in the Squidoo rule book it is!
The Squidoo community is the fun part of the game where other Squid hopefuls give comments, the thumbs up, and even Squid like your lens. Wow, that really is fun! Then in return you are critiquing your fellow Squid lenses and sometimes that is a lot of reading and to tell you the truth - more time - from my own valuable writing. But, guess what? This whole process helps me to build better and better lenses.
Just the small chance of someone buying something off of one of my pay modules from one of my many lenses really makes me want have more playtime. It is after all a game of chance you see. I mean who really knows in the world of the internet who will buy something off of one of my Amazon modules, or maybe Cafe Press, or E-Bay, or Orbitz, or maybe I-Tunes? Do you feel that adrenal rush? Yes, the Squidoo game is really starting to heat up. The chance of possibly having a big Squidoo payday is now dancing in my head. Now you get it!
I made a two figure income from google adsense this month - and - I am sure it was because someone bought something. That sure was a nice surprise. I need more surprises. Or, there were enough people going into the adds on the page and the click rate was really good. Wow, a whole added feature to the game. The unknown! Maybe someone bought something from one of my Affiliate adds on my blogger page? Yes, my blogger pages go right into my Squidoo lenses with an RSS Feed. Again, I don`t know what I am doing but it sure is fun!
As your Money Diva I have to tell you this Squidoo writing platform takes time to win. It is a game of chicken really. I mean you chase after the dream ...... of becoming rich from blogging ..... and you wake up the next morning - disappointed time and time again. So, why do I keep playing (writing)? Cause you can get addicted to Squidoo. Yes, the more lenses you write the more addicted you get.
And, someone out there is cashing in on Squidoo Addict Mugs, and T-Shirts. A great gig if you can get it!
And, another thing - a guy named Captain Squid claims at one time to have made a $500.00 a day pay day from Squidoo. Great headline Captain Squid who-ever you are! Now, Captain Squid has e-books on Amazon, T-Shirts and Mugs on Cafe Press. He is really raking in the money.
And, Seth Godin, the creator of Squidoo - well - he is an inter-net genius and has authored countless books. He has lots of You Tube videos, and is a great public speaker. Again, a very rich Squid, the big Daddy of Squidoo.
Your Diva Money Saver
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Blogger Rising Stars
Every blogger out there wants to become a rising star in the inter-net world. I love blogging because I love to write. You just have to believe in yourself and just keep writing and hope that some wonderful people out there will read your blog and appreciate what your trying to tell them.
I already have talked about potpiegirl.com who blogs about a variety of inter-net subjects. She is probably not rich but she sure is a rising star!
Another person Susan52 is a Squidoo lensmaster and she does have an e-book on Amazon called: I Squidoo do You? She is another sure fire rising star!
One of the brightest stars in the sky is Seth Godin. I love Seth because he has authored countless books and guess what he is the creator of Squidoo. Just watch this you tube video of Seth Godin. He is a genius by far.
In this video he talks about failing until you succeed. Well how true that is!
I am very excited as your Diva Money Saver to let you know that although I am not big on surveys one survey that excites me right now is called legerweb.com - this survey company actually pays out cash. If you join legerweb.com as an Affiliate you get one dollar for everyone who joins up and does a survey. To join up and do a survey please go to: http://legerweb.com/8L691. You will also help me make some passive income.
Poster lovers: If you want to make some passive income as an Affiliate just join Allposters.com. below:
Webmasters Make $$$
One money saving tip I want to mention is at this time of year always go to the mall with a list.
One thing I really want to learn and I will be researching it is how to sell items on e-bay.
I think some of the free classifieds like Kijjii are a little more simple to use. You just take a picture and post it on the site and then leave your information. Never ever leave a phone number - for security reasons - just leave an e-mail address.
Well, I am hoping that on Squidoo that I will be soon a rising star! Will see on their next payday if I make more than thirteen cents.
Thanks for dropping by.
Your Diva Money Saver
I already have talked about potpiegirl.com who blogs about a variety of inter-net subjects. She is probably not rich but she sure is a rising star!
Another person Susan52 is a Squidoo lensmaster and she does have an e-book on Amazon called: I Squidoo do You? She is another sure fire rising star!
One of the brightest stars in the sky is Seth Godin. I love Seth because he has authored countless books and guess what he is the creator of Squidoo. Just watch this you tube video of Seth Godin. He is a genius by far.
In this video he talks about failing until you succeed. Well how true that is!
I am very excited as your Diva Money Saver to let you know that although I am not big on surveys one survey that excites me right now is called legerweb.com - this survey company actually pays out cash. If you join legerweb.com as an Affiliate you get one dollar for everyone who joins up and does a survey. To join up and do a survey please go to: http://legerweb.com/8L691. You will also help me make some passive income.
Poster lovers: If you want to make some passive income as an Affiliate just join Allposters.com. below:
One money saving tip I want to mention is at this time of year always go to the mall with a list.
One thing I really want to learn and I will be researching it is how to sell items on e-bay.
I think some of the free classifieds like Kijjii are a little more simple to use. You just take a picture and post it on the site and then leave your information. Never ever leave a phone number - for security reasons - just leave an e-mail address.
Well, I am hoping that on Squidoo that I will be soon a rising star! Will see on their next payday if I make more than thirteen cents.
Thanks for dropping by.
Your Diva Money Saver
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Blogging is like a bad date sometimes!
It wasn't until today I really got fuming mad with Squidoo. Come on how many times are they going to throw your lens from green into the red telling you that it is a work in progress? Does Squidoo think that the only thing us bloggers have to do is - update our Squidoo lenses- morning - noon - and night? I am sorry but I have a life.
I realized right from the get go - that they have set Squidoo up - as a type of writing game! Yes, you win trophies, points, go up a level or two - but - the high maintenance of each lens is just a little much.
Maybe you think I am not dedicated enough? But, oh yes I am - big time! I suppose it is partly my fault because I think you need hundreds of good quality lenses to make any real money from Squidoo.
The September / October Squidoo hopper has a huge thirteen cents in it. That is enough to make you laugh yourself silly. I mean come on a whole thirteen cents. Well, at least I know something is working.
I got saved this month by google adsense who sent me a two figure payment - so- I got a nice dinner out! So, again something, somewhere is working.
No I probably will never become a famous blogger like Captain Squid, John Chow, Susan52, Potpiegirl, and tons of others who claim to be making big money from blogging. Oh ya, there is the Wealthy Affiliate - we wouldn't want to leave him out.
For me blogging sometimes reminds me of going out on a bad date. You have fun at first and then it get's a little like - you wanna - run away - as fast as you can!
Maybe if I see some real progress - dollar wise - with Squidoo - I will change my tune!
For me right now - Google Adsense rocks!
I feel sorry for all the new bloggers out there - me included - because you don't want to get scammed! Everyone out there has that sure fire system that will make you tons of money. Again, like when your on
on-line dating - all the faces and the promises - what they can offer - all seem the same after awhile.
Just like being careful dating you have to be careful with all the on-line guru's promising you the moon and back.
For me - I just might as well pick up that book - blogging for dummies - cause that is what it is boiling down to.
I still have to google - why are my comments not working on my Blogger blog?
Anyway, I am all blogged out now - so I will talk to you later!
Your Diva Money Saver
I realized right from the get go - that they have set Squidoo up - as a type of writing game! Yes, you win trophies, points, go up a level or two - but - the high maintenance of each lens is just a little much.
Maybe you think I am not dedicated enough? But, oh yes I am - big time! I suppose it is partly my fault because I think you need hundreds of good quality lenses to make any real money from Squidoo.
The September / October Squidoo hopper has a huge thirteen cents in it. That is enough to make you laugh yourself silly. I mean come on a whole thirteen cents. Well, at least I know something is working.
I got saved this month by google adsense who sent me a two figure payment - so- I got a nice dinner out! So, again something, somewhere is working.
No I probably will never become a famous blogger like Captain Squid, John Chow, Susan52, Potpiegirl, and tons of others who claim to be making big money from blogging. Oh ya, there is the Wealthy Affiliate - we wouldn't want to leave him out.
For me blogging sometimes reminds me of going out on a bad date. You have fun at first and then it get's a little like - you wanna - run away - as fast as you can!
Maybe if I see some real progress - dollar wise - with Squidoo - I will change my tune!
For me right now - Google Adsense rocks!
I feel sorry for all the new bloggers out there - me included - because you don't want to get scammed! Everyone out there has that sure fire system that will make you tons of money. Again, like when your on
on-line dating - all the faces and the promises - what they can offer - all seem the same after awhile.
Just like being careful dating you have to be careful with all the on-line guru's promising you the moon and back.
For me - I just might as well pick up that book - blogging for dummies - cause that is what it is boiling down to.
I still have to google - why are my comments not working on my Blogger blog?
Anyway, I am all blogged out now - so I will talk to you later!
Your Diva Money Saver
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Famous Bloggers and then there is just Me!
I think more in the United States than in Canada that a lot of unemployed people thought that maybe they could earn a modest living from blogging. Blogging I tell you is not for dummies.
Just ask John Chow who claims to be living the high life from blogging making thousands of dollars a month. How did John Chow do it? Well, he does have a website promoting his sure fire winning system that will take you from a few dollars a month to thousands! Really, yes really, according to John Chow.
Then there is the Wealthy Affiliate who also seems to know Potpiegirl.com because he writes about her. Apparently, Potpiegirl.com got fired from a Georgia Affiliate Program because of some type of tax problems. Well, she does have other Affiliate programs that she uses so she is not entirely fired. But, it looks good as a stand out headline doesn't it? But, I read about this on her e-mail to me not because I read anything from the Wealthy Affiliate.
The only progam right now that I know and trust is Squidoo. Squidoo has google adsense built right into the program. Also, all of the Amazon pay modules, E-Bay, Cafe Press, I-Tunes, and Orbitz are a mouse click away with the Squidoo writing platform. I like that - I like that a lot.
Yet I made a whole thirteen cents in the Squidoo hopper whereas a guy named Captain Squid made a gigantic $500.00 a day pay out on Squidoo. That was awhile back and I am not even sure he is still with Squidoo. If he is and he is making that kind of money he is some kind of a genius. He also claims to have that money back guarantee program that will take you from rags to riches.
Captain Squid as he calls himself also sells his t-shirts and mugs on Amazon. I am sure he has an e-book or two on how he made money with Squidoo. But, I havn't done enough snooping around to know for sure.
You see after awhile it is just like on-line dating - all of these promises - start looking and sounding - the same. You get my drift.
I will just say for me that - somehow - somewhere - google adsense did pay out. I made some lunch money this month. Ya, a big fat two figure passive income. So, something is working!
You know how tech savy - I am not. Still not sure why the comments section is not working and yet I set it up properly - I am positive about that. Ya, and I did figure out that google adsense is working on this blog as I am seeing some adds pop up and it's good because they are on the side or under-neath the blog so not that much of an annoyance to anyone.
I did mention that Squidoo has my heart-strings right now. Will see down the road how that all pans out. Seth Godin who is a very famous inter-net guru created Squidoo so that is why I endorse this writing platform. I do eventually think you can make a few bucks from it. But, not counting on making what Captain Squid claims he has made.
So there is all of these famous bloggers out there ....... and then there is ..... like most newbie bloggers ..... another ...... just me!
A famous Avon lady Debbie Davis in the UK is my unsung hero. Watch her video right here!
Thinking about Avon I had a few deliveries today. My hobby job is not making me that much - hardly anything. But, I will just keep on trying. I did give all of my customers a gift and a Xmas card. They really liked that! Let's hope that 2013 will be a better year!
Well, I am all blogged out now.
Your Diva Money Saver
Just ask John Chow who claims to be living the high life from blogging making thousands of dollars a month. How did John Chow do it? Well, he does have a website promoting his sure fire winning system that will take you from a few dollars a month to thousands! Really, yes really, according to John Chow.
Then there is the Wealthy Affiliate who also seems to know Potpiegirl.com because he writes about her. Apparently, Potpiegirl.com got fired from a Georgia Affiliate Program because of some type of tax problems. Well, she does have other Affiliate programs that she uses so she is not entirely fired. But, it looks good as a stand out headline doesn't it? But, I read about this on her e-mail to me not because I read anything from the Wealthy Affiliate.
The only progam right now that I know and trust is Squidoo. Squidoo has google adsense built right into the program. Also, all of the Amazon pay modules, E-Bay, Cafe Press, I-Tunes, and Orbitz are a mouse click away with the Squidoo writing platform. I like that - I like that a lot.
Yet I made a whole thirteen cents in the Squidoo hopper whereas a guy named Captain Squid made a gigantic $500.00 a day pay out on Squidoo. That was awhile back and I am not even sure he is still with Squidoo. If he is and he is making that kind of money he is some kind of a genius. He also claims to have that money back guarantee program that will take you from rags to riches.
Captain Squid as he calls himself also sells his t-shirts and mugs on Amazon. I am sure he has an e-book or two on how he made money with Squidoo. But, I havn't done enough snooping around to know for sure.
You see after awhile it is just like on-line dating - all of these promises - start looking and sounding - the same. You get my drift.
I will just say for me that - somehow - somewhere - google adsense did pay out. I made some lunch money this month. Ya, a big fat two figure passive income. So, something is working!
You know how tech savy - I am not. Still not sure why the comments section is not working and yet I set it up properly - I am positive about that. Ya, and I did figure out that google adsense is working on this blog as I am seeing some adds pop up and it's good because they are on the side or under-neath the blog so not that much of an annoyance to anyone.
I did mention that Squidoo has my heart-strings right now. Will see down the road how that all pans out. Seth Godin who is a very famous inter-net guru created Squidoo so that is why I endorse this writing platform. I do eventually think you can make a few bucks from it. But, not counting on making what Captain Squid claims he has made.
So there is all of these famous bloggers out there ....... and then there is ..... like most newbie bloggers ..... another ...... just me!
A famous Avon lady Debbie Davis in the UK is my unsung hero. Watch her video right here!
Thinking about Avon I had a few deliveries today. My hobby job is not making me that much - hardly anything. But, I will just keep on trying. I did give all of my customers a gift and a Xmas card. They really liked that! Let's hope that 2013 will be a better year!
Well, I am all blogged out now.
Your Diva Money Saver
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Internet Glass Tower
I put all the famous internet bloggers out there in their very own glass tower. This is because it's not easy to climb up a tower! It is a hard working journey that so few of us accomplish.
Yesterday I talked about an internet genius called John Chow. He claims that he has the internet information you need to become rich. And funny enough his program is not that expensive.
But, wait a minute there is also a guy called the Wealthy Affiliate. The last thing I read about his program is that he has a blockbuster e-book that knocks Google Adwords out of the water - so - that your in control.
And, his program is around the same price as John Chow's. I wonder if these two guys know each other.
And then there is a guy calling himself Captain Squid. He has a website where he talks about how to make money on Squidoo. He was a Squidoo Lensmaster quite a long time ago but I cannot say one way or another if he still is. He claims that he made a one day pay day on Squidoo of $500.00. He also has T-Shirts and mugs with his logo Captain Squid on them that he sells on Amazon. Pretty good if you ask me. Guess what I bet he is selling an e-book too!
Hey a lady who is doing pretty good on Squidoo is Susan52. I think that is her name. She has an e-book called: I Squidoo do you.
Talking about Squidoo another lensmaster out there called Potpiegirl.com also has an e-book under her name. These two wonder-women seem to be doing well with Squidoo and their own websites.
The richest person in regards to Squidoo is none other than the great Seth Godin. After all Seth Godin created Squidoo. So he really is a genius as well as a well known published author of many books and a great public speaker. If I were to buy any of his books I know I would be on the right track! Just listen to the You Tube video of what Seth Godin has to say!
If you search google you just find more and more people doing all of these things and claiming to be the one who has all of the secrets to success on the internet.
Have you been to a good psychic lately because that is what it boils down to - to find the right program - for you to climb that glass tower!
Take care - I am all blogged out for now. Just be careful what your buying - buyer beware!
Me - Your Diva Money Saver
Yesterday I talked about an internet genius called John Chow. He claims that he has the internet information you need to become rich. And funny enough his program is not that expensive.
But, wait a minute there is also a guy called the Wealthy Affiliate. The last thing I read about his program is that he has a blockbuster e-book that knocks Google Adwords out of the water - so - that your in control.
And, his program is around the same price as John Chow's. I wonder if these two guys know each other.
And then there is a guy calling himself Captain Squid. He has a website where he talks about how to make money on Squidoo. He was a Squidoo Lensmaster quite a long time ago but I cannot say one way or another if he still is. He claims that he made a one day pay day on Squidoo of $500.00. He also has T-Shirts and mugs with his logo Captain Squid on them that he sells on Amazon. Pretty good if you ask me. Guess what I bet he is selling an e-book too!
Hey a lady who is doing pretty good on Squidoo is Susan52. I think that is her name. She has an e-book called: I Squidoo do you.
Talking about Squidoo another lensmaster out there called Potpiegirl.com also has an e-book under her name. These two wonder-women seem to be doing well with Squidoo and their own websites.
The richest person in regards to Squidoo is none other than the great Seth Godin. After all Seth Godin created Squidoo. So he really is a genius as well as a well known published author of many books and a great public speaker. If I were to buy any of his books I know I would be on the right track! Just listen to the You Tube video of what Seth Godin has to say!
If you search google you just find more and more people doing all of these things and claiming to be the one who has all of the secrets to success on the internet.
Have you been to a good psychic lately because that is what it boils down to - to find the right program - for you to climb that glass tower!
Take care - I am all blogged out for now. Just be careful what your buying - buyer beware!
Me - Your Diva Money Saver
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Famous Bloggers Making A Huge Passive Income
I just got a notice from Add-me and they are talking about this wealthy blogger called John Chow. I personally no nothing about John Chow. He claims for a two figure payment - I think it was $67.00 - to be able to teach you all the tricks and secrets to get you making a grand passive income on the internet. I plan to google up his name and see what other's have to say about John Chow's money back guaranteed system. I wonder what John Chow thinks of Squidoo?
Another famous blogger is the Wealthy Affiliate. I wonder if the Wealthy Affiliate's system is similar to John Chow's? I mean how many secret's and tips to get rich on the internet can there be? The big thing about the Wealthy Affiliate is that he tells you how to knock out cold Google Adwords so that Google Adwords is working for you - not - the other way around. I know that the Wealthy Affiliate is another system on how to get rich on the internet or at least how to make a great passive income. Again, I believe the amount of money to buy the product is around a similar price.
I see that potpiegirl.com is a Squidoo lens-master who has made some passive income from Squidoo. I don't think she is as high on the internet totem pole as John Chow or the Wealthy Affiliate but she does made some pretty good passive income. Potpiegirl does sell her e-book on Amazon so she is making some passive income from her e-book.
I also see that a Susan54 is a Squidoo lens-master who is doing pretty good because she sells her e-book on Amazon and it's called "I Squidoo Do You?". Again, I don't think her claims to riches is as high as John Chow or the Wealthy Affiliate.
Personally right now I would love to make a ton of money on the inter-net but you have to be careful. Some not so tech savy people like me - well - we don't want to waste valuable time and money on a system that just doesn't work. These top Bloggers say that they make enough money each and every day so that they could kiss their boss good by and live a lavish lifestyle. Some of these bloggers claim they spend around two hours a day on their winning programs.
I think I mentioned in a previous post that I made $30.00 from Google Adsense this month. That put a smile on my face so either someone bought a product from one of my Squidoo lenses from Google. Or, my blog got enough traffic to warrant the money. Either way something is sure working.
Now Squidoo this month bragged about having the biggest payday ever. Well, I had to snoop around to find my earning and I made a wonderful thirty two cents. Yes, not dollars - just cents! Thirty two big fat pennies.
So, again I am dis-allusioned with Squidoo because my writing and my time is worth a lot more than thirty two cents!
I notice on Google there is a website that claims for $35.00 they will build you a winning Squidoo lens!
Why in the world would I trust an anonymous person to make me a lens that might not even make me back my money?
But, you see pretty fast how some people learn quickly how to make money from people like me who again I will say are not that tech savy.
Before I spend my hard earned dollars I think I will just go to the library and pickup the book: Blogging for Dummies. I sure feed dumb right now and I know I have a lot to learn.
For some reason I havn't been getting comments - so - again I am not sure this Blog is working properly yet I did go into settings and it is set up so people can comment. Please send me a comment so that I know the blog is working properly. Or just let me know if you have ever bought any of the above mentioned systems!
Seth Godin is a famous blogger. Yes, he created Squidoo and a number of other inter-net products. His books sell well on Amazon Kindle. I always try and put his books on my Squidoo website. He is probably an Inter-net Millionaire - no kidding!
The only way I can make money right now (me the - unfamous blogger) is to use Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, Cafe Press, I-Tunes, and Orbits on my Squidoo lenses. Why? Because these are pay modules that are built right into Squidoo. Google Adsense is also a pay module built right into the Squidoo system. I am hoping that in the New Year I will see a big pay day from Squidoo. You know there is a two month lag. So, whatever your Squidoo lens earns in November that is what you will see in January 2013.
I don't think I will join the ranks of famous bloggers in the New Year - just yet. But, again never ever say never!
One famous Avon lady Debbie Davis lives in the UK and she has made $250,000 K. She was flat broke when she started and knew nothing about Avon. Watch her video it is truly inspiring.
Avon has been very slow this year. I really think inflation has hit and a lot of people are just not willing to part with their money. You would have thought having a personal shopper - me - would have given me some big orders. Don't get me wrong I did get a few but disappointed that I didn't do as well as I expected. Again, I think my Avon gig will do better in 2013 and just maybe it will go from a hobby to a real business. You know most of my presents to my friends and family are from Avon. At least I do get a discount on what I buy.
For me - I just depend on my Avon books that I give out. I did have an add on Kijjii a free classified add looking for Avon ladies - and - not one e-mail. Then I gave out about 50 or so recruiting flyers and not a call. And, it burned out my coloured printer cartridge to boot. Maybe I should buy the book - Avon 101 for dummies. Maybe I should write that book! Now were talking, ha ha.
So, unfortunately I have not become a President's Club member with Avon or joined the ranks of any Millionaire Avon ladies. Maybe 2013 will be a better year. I do walk the beat to give out Avon books and I do send out e-brochures and do all of my avon ordering on-line. But, for putting up an Avon Website - I am not sure I trust getting anonymous Avon orders. You know what I mean. Not yet anyway.
I have to go now - so just have a great day - and try an do one good deed each and every day!
Your Diva Money Saver
Another famous blogger is the Wealthy Affiliate. I wonder if the Wealthy Affiliate's system is similar to John Chow's? I mean how many secret's and tips to get rich on the internet can there be? The big thing about the Wealthy Affiliate is that he tells you how to knock out cold Google Adwords so that Google Adwords is working for you - not - the other way around. I know that the Wealthy Affiliate is another system on how to get rich on the internet or at least how to make a great passive income. Again, I believe the amount of money to buy the product is around a similar price.
I see that potpiegirl.com is a Squidoo lens-master who has made some passive income from Squidoo. I don't think she is as high on the internet totem pole as John Chow or the Wealthy Affiliate but she does made some pretty good passive income. Potpiegirl does sell her e-book on Amazon so she is making some passive income from her e-book.
I also see that a Susan54 is a Squidoo lens-master who is doing pretty good because she sells her e-book on Amazon and it's called "I Squidoo Do You?". Again, I don't think her claims to riches is as high as John Chow or the Wealthy Affiliate.
Personally right now I would love to make a ton of money on the inter-net but you have to be careful. Some not so tech savy people like me - well - we don't want to waste valuable time and money on a system that just doesn't work. These top Bloggers say that they make enough money each and every day so that they could kiss their boss good by and live a lavish lifestyle. Some of these bloggers claim they spend around two hours a day on their winning programs.
I think I mentioned in a previous post that I made $30.00 from Google Adsense this month. That put a smile on my face so either someone bought a product from one of my Squidoo lenses from Google. Or, my blog got enough traffic to warrant the money. Either way something is sure working.
Now Squidoo this month bragged about having the biggest payday ever. Well, I had to snoop around to find my earning and I made a wonderful thirty two cents. Yes, not dollars - just cents! Thirty two big fat pennies.
So, again I am dis-allusioned with Squidoo because my writing and my time is worth a lot more than thirty two cents!
I notice on Google there is a website that claims for $35.00 they will build you a winning Squidoo lens!
Why in the world would I trust an anonymous person to make me a lens that might not even make me back my money?
But, you see pretty fast how some people learn quickly how to make money from people like me who again I will say are not that tech savy.
Before I spend my hard earned dollars I think I will just go to the library and pickup the book: Blogging for Dummies. I sure feed dumb right now and I know I have a lot to learn.
For some reason I havn't been getting comments - so - again I am not sure this Blog is working properly yet I did go into settings and it is set up so people can comment. Please send me a comment so that I know the blog is working properly. Or just let me know if you have ever bought any of the above mentioned systems!
Seth Godin is a famous blogger. Yes, he created Squidoo and a number of other inter-net products. His books sell well on Amazon Kindle. I always try and put his books on my Squidoo website. He is probably an Inter-net Millionaire - no kidding!
The only way I can make money right now (me the - unfamous blogger) is to use Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, Cafe Press, I-Tunes, and Orbits on my Squidoo lenses. Why? Because these are pay modules that are built right into Squidoo. Google Adsense is also a pay module built right into the Squidoo system. I am hoping that in the New Year I will see a big pay day from Squidoo. You know there is a two month lag. So, whatever your Squidoo lens earns in November that is what you will see in January 2013.
I don't think I will join the ranks of famous bloggers in the New Year - just yet. But, again never ever say never!
Avon has been very slow this year. I really think inflation has hit and a lot of people are just not willing to part with their money. You would have thought having a personal shopper - me - would have given me some big orders. Don't get me wrong I did get a few but disappointed that I didn't do as well as I expected. Again, I think my Avon gig will do better in 2013 and just maybe it will go from a hobby to a real business. You know most of my presents to my friends and family are from Avon. At least I do get a discount on what I buy.
For me - I just depend on my Avon books that I give out. I did have an add on Kijjii a free classified add looking for Avon ladies - and - not one e-mail. Then I gave out about 50 or so recruiting flyers and not a call. And, it burned out my coloured printer cartridge to boot. Maybe I should buy the book - Avon 101 for dummies. Maybe I should write that book! Now were talking, ha ha.
So, unfortunately I have not become a President's Club member with Avon or joined the ranks of any Millionaire Avon ladies. Maybe 2013 will be a better year. I do walk the beat to give out Avon books and I do send out e-brochures and do all of my avon ordering on-line. But, for putting up an Avon Website - I am not sure I trust getting anonymous Avon orders. You know what I mean. Not yet anyway.
Here's recent picture of me at my very own 2012 Avon Meet and Greet!
I did get a few customers from this so it was a success!
I have to go now - so just have a great day - and try an do one good deed each and every day!
Your Diva Money Saver
Thursday, December 13, 2012
A Lean Mean Payday on Squidoo and some Passive Income
Today, was really a lean and mean payday for me on Squidoo. My pay for September was a big whopping thirteen cents! It doesn't even show up - you have to go right into another payment module - to see what is in the Squidoo hopper.
I happily can report that I did make a little passive income from Google Adsense this month. So, since it was a two figure dollar payment I was very happy. It paid for a lunch out with a friend so that was all good!
So far, no passive income from any Affiliate Adds that I have put on Blogger. Too bad, I was hoping but maybe I wouldn't see a pay out right away. Maybe, it takes a month or two - to get a pay out.
I learned today how to put fancy text in some of my Squidoo text lenses. I havn't tried it on here because I do love the plain look to my RSS Feeds.
One thing I did learn is that to get lots of traffic to your site it helps if you have RSS feeds. The feeds from here like I said go onto Squidoo.
To get extra traffic, once published you can google+, facebook, and tweet - your work of art.
I am not very tech savy - so - just find me a handsome rich prince with a big heart to marry - ha ha.
Christmas is just around the corner. Happily, I have done all of my Shopping. Well, after all I am an Avon lady.
Well, that's it for me today. I think I will put my feet up and relax the rest of the day.
Take care,
Your Diva Money Saver
I happily can report that I did make a little passive income from Google Adsense this month. So, since it was a two figure dollar payment I was very happy. It paid for a lunch out with a friend so that was all good!
So far, no passive income from any Affiliate Adds that I have put on Blogger. Too bad, I was hoping but maybe I wouldn't see a pay out right away. Maybe, it takes a month or two - to get a pay out.
I learned today how to put fancy text in some of my Squidoo text lenses. I havn't tried it on here because I do love the plain look to my RSS Feeds.
One thing I did learn is that to get lots of traffic to your site it helps if you have RSS feeds. The feeds from here like I said go onto Squidoo.
To get extra traffic, once published you can google+, facebook, and tweet - your work of art.
I am not very tech savy - so - just find me a handsome rich prince with a big heart to marry - ha ha.
Christmas is just around the corner. Happily, I have done all of my Shopping. Well, after all I am an Avon lady.
Avon has been slow for me this year. I am hoping next year in 2013 that I get a lot of new customers.
Take care,
Your Diva Money Saver
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Getting Rich on the Internet
Today I was reading a blog about the Wealthy Affiliate. Personally I had no clue who these guys were. They have written a book about how to win out with Google Adwords. I forget the name of the book already sorry about that. The bottom line is this - they - want $67.00 - to teach you how to get Google Adwords working for you - not - against you. Interesting! I am sure if you google the Wealthy Affiliate all of this information about their book will show up. I am not endorsing the product one way or the other just letting you know that it is out there. I know that you can sign up for Google Adwords for free and then you can cancel if your not happy - before - they start charging you!
Why I like Google Adsense is that it is free and your not obligated to pay out any money. With Google Adsense you can only make money. So, for me right now I will stick to the free stuff. You can learn a lot just by blogging and being nosey.
I thought that taking surveys would make me money but as it turns out it is just a big royal pain in the butt. You see, you do a survey and then you get told you were not in the right demographic and they send you another survey and you can even keep getting bounced out again and again. So, forget that quick get rich scheme. It just is not going to work for me.
I love Affiliate Marketing. I really think this is the way to go. If your interested in getting started with that just click on the link below
Webmasters Make $$$
Some people sell things on free classified adds or they use E-Bay. If your a collector of comics, Barbie Dolls, Bears, gold coins, collectible art, fine jewellry, electronics - and - other kinds of collectibles - you just might make a few bucks.
Some people are making money on-line with Squidoo lenses. The problem with Squidoo is that you have to be on there for at least two months before you see a pay day. The good thing about Squidoo is that it is a legitimate writing platform. So, if your lenses are good - you might just get paid for them.
I signed up to a feed from potpiegirl.com. She has already sent me some valuable information. Just google her and you will see what I mean. No, I have not bought anything!
Avon is slow for some reason. I think personally it's all the competition out there - you know - like big players in the cosmetic industry - Shopper's Drugmart and Optimum Points. I might be wrong but I think that is why I am struggling in my neighbourhood.
So going from rags to riches on the internet for me is going to be a slow process. No way am I parting with any cash! Now mind you that doesn't mean I won't be researching what's out there.
Once in awhile I do collect a comic or two. I just love the art and sometimes fall in love with the characters.
I always did love Superman! Too bad I didn't keep my old comics - they would have been worth a lot of money. Talking about comics if you want to buy one for your kids or even for yourself just click on the add below- thanks - that will help me make some passive income.

With the holiday season upon us a lot of people are looking for great art. This Affiliate sells art posters. I don't think you will be disappointed. Just click on the add below and again it will help me make some passive income. Now you see how this all works!

So enough crying - I just have to do more leg-work - and - hopefully will be able to report to you some sales either on here or on Squidoo! After all this poor girl aiming to become a rich girl has to start somewhere.
Have a great day.
Your Diva Money Saver
Why I like Google Adsense is that it is free and your not obligated to pay out any money. With Google Adsense you can only make money. So, for me right now I will stick to the free stuff. You can learn a lot just by blogging and being nosey.
I thought that taking surveys would make me money but as it turns out it is just a big royal pain in the butt. You see, you do a survey and then you get told you were not in the right demographic and they send you another survey and you can even keep getting bounced out again and again. So, forget that quick get rich scheme. It just is not going to work for me.
I love Affiliate Marketing. I really think this is the way to go. If your interested in getting started with that just click on the link below
Webmasters Make $$$
Some people sell things on free classified adds or they use E-Bay. If your a collector of comics, Barbie Dolls, Bears, gold coins, collectible art, fine jewellry, electronics - and - other kinds of collectibles - you just might make a few bucks.
Some people are making money on-line with Squidoo lenses. The problem with Squidoo is that you have to be on there for at least two months before you see a pay day. The good thing about Squidoo is that it is a legitimate writing platform. So, if your lenses are good - you might just get paid for them.
I signed up to a feed from potpiegirl.com. She has already sent me some valuable information. Just google her and you will see what I mean. No, I have not bought anything!
Avon is slow for some reason. I think personally it's all the competition out there - you know - like big players in the cosmetic industry - Shopper's Drugmart and Optimum Points. I might be wrong but I think that is why I am struggling in my neighbourhood.
So going from rags to riches on the internet for me is going to be a slow process. No way am I parting with any cash! Now mind you that doesn't mean I won't be researching what's out there.
Once in awhile I do collect a comic or two. I just love the art and sometimes fall in love with the characters.
I always did love Superman! Too bad I didn't keep my old comics - they would have been worth a lot of money. Talking about comics if you want to buy one for your kids or even for yourself just click on the add below- thanks - that will help me make some passive income.
With the holiday season upon us a lot of people are looking for great art. This Affiliate sells art posters. I don't think you will be disappointed. Just click on the add below and again it will help me make some passive income. Now you see how this all works!
So enough crying - I just have to do more leg-work - and - hopefully will be able to report to you some sales either on here or on Squidoo! After all this poor girl aiming to become a rich girl has to start somewhere.
Have a great day.
Your Diva Money Saver
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Squidoo Mania and Squidoo Addiction
I am a great believer that Squidoo is going to make me money. Right now I have over 70 lenses and still writing strong on that platform. I love Squidoo. Call it Squidoo Mania or Squidoo Addiction - I don`t care!
I love the fact that Squidoo is so user friendly.
I find that all the pay modules on Squidoo are so easy to use and Adsense is built right into the program. Who actually can beat that - no one!
The only thing I don`t like about Squidoo is even if someone buys something from a pay module there is a two month lag in a Squidoo pay day!
Another mystery is lens rank. It must have something to do with your ranking on google but I am not completely sure of that.
I am happy to announce that I made a two figure income from Adsense. I do believe it was from a grand number of months and just added up to my pay out threshold amount. Otherwise someone bought something from a Google Adsense add. I am not complaining because I am still working for less than minimum wage for my writing. My fingers are crossed for a great Squidoo pay day really soon.
A guy called Captain Squid claims that he made a $500.00 per day pay day from Squidoo. That was some time ago and I know he has his own website - so not sure he is still a Squidooer.
A lady named Potpiegirl.com also has an e-book for sale on e-bay. So this lady must be a great Squidooer to be able to sell an e-book from Amazon. I am not that tech savy. She must be one smart lady. I subscribed to her feed but have not had much time to read her wise words.
Another lady called Susan54 has an e-book called - I Squidoo Do You! I was thinking of buying it just to see what I might learn. Havn`t decided yet. But, I believe she still is doing Squidoo lenses. Another smart lady!
I do put all my blogger RSS feeds on my Squidoo lenses. So, hopefully that is helping me on google. Always share with facebook and twitter and google + that will help you get traffic to your site.
I am truly praying that another source of passive income will be from Affiliate Adds. So below I have added these adds so you know what I am talking about.
One way of making a passive income is to join an Affiliate Add company.
Webmasters Make $$$
If you love posters just click on the link below. There are awesome posters on here - you won`t be disappointed.

Well, that is about it for me today unless later I get some devine inspiration.
Your Diva Money Saver
I love the fact that Squidoo is so user friendly.
I find that all the pay modules on Squidoo are so easy to use and Adsense is built right into the program. Who actually can beat that - no one!
The only thing I don`t like about Squidoo is even if someone buys something from a pay module there is a two month lag in a Squidoo pay day!
Another mystery is lens rank. It must have something to do with your ranking on google but I am not completely sure of that.
I am happy to announce that I made a two figure income from Adsense. I do believe it was from a grand number of months and just added up to my pay out threshold amount. Otherwise someone bought something from a Google Adsense add. I am not complaining because I am still working for less than minimum wage for my writing. My fingers are crossed for a great Squidoo pay day really soon.
A guy called Captain Squid claims that he made a $500.00 per day pay day from Squidoo. That was some time ago and I know he has his own website - so not sure he is still a Squidooer.
A lady named Potpiegirl.com also has an e-book for sale on e-bay. So this lady must be a great Squidooer to be able to sell an e-book from Amazon. I am not that tech savy. She must be one smart lady. I subscribed to her feed but have not had much time to read her wise words.
Another lady called Susan54 has an e-book called - I Squidoo Do You! I was thinking of buying it just to see what I might learn. Havn`t decided yet. But, I believe she still is doing Squidoo lenses. Another smart lady!
I do put all my blogger RSS feeds on my Squidoo lenses. So, hopefully that is helping me on google. Always share with facebook and twitter and google + that will help you get traffic to your site.
I am truly praying that another source of passive income will be from Affiliate Adds. So below I have added these adds so you know what I am talking about.
One way of making a passive income is to join an Affiliate Add company.
Webmasters Make $$$
If you love posters just click on the link below. There are awesome posters on here - you won`t be disappointed.
Well, that is about it for me today unless later I get some devine inspiration.
Your Diva Money Saver
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Trying to Make A Passive Income From Blogging
I thought today I would talk about trying to get a passive income from blogging. There are countless e-books and quick get rich schemes out there - so - buyer beware. But, come on what really works?
I found for me that Google Adsense will pay you once you meet your pay threshold. So you might be getting very trivial amounts from adds or mouse clicks (traffic). But Google Adsense is a legitimate pay module that does send you a cheque once your payment threshold is reached. Proof is in the pudding as they say. I am very happy to announce that I got a two figure pay-out and it paid for a very nice lunch out. I am hoping the amount will be higher down the road. I figure that this has been alloted to me after months and months of blogging. So, really this passive income is nothing grand to report but again - better - than nothing!
I am truly praying that another source of passive income will be from Affiliate Adds. So below I have added these adds so you know what I am talking about.
One way of making a passive income is to join an Affiliate Add company.
Webmasters Make $$$
Another love of my life are Comics. Whether or not you are a Spiderman Lover or any other kinda Super-Hero lover just click on the link below to see the collection - you won't be sorry! Every kid's bedroom wall would look great with one of the posters of their favourite Super-hero!

Look at that a Squid Angel is blessing this blog - way to go
Yes Squidoo is another way to make a passive income on line but you have to be dedicated and make a lot of lenses. With Squidoo I really think that it is a numbers game. The more lenses you create the higher your chances of a pay day from Squidoo. If you have 100 lenses that pay out lets say 1.00 each that would be $100.00. A guy called Captain Squid claims that he made a $500.00 a day pay day with Squidoo. I am no where near that my pay out - so far - my pay out has been a big fat zero. But, they claim it takes a few months to see any money. So again here's hoping!
The reason I am banking on Squidoo is that they have pay modules built right into their program. So you can have Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, Cafe Press, I-Tunes, E-bay! How cool is that?
There is also a travel module called Orbitz and you can make a commission if someone buys a trip.
I am really disappointed with my Avon Sales. Avon is a lot of work and right now it is just a hobby job for me. For me it's building up that customer base. I think that next year might be a lot better.
This is a picture of me at my first Avon Meet and Greet. I will have another one but it takes a lot of planning and you have to have a restaurant owner for example to agree to letting you use one of their tables. If the place is too busy that can be a problem.
So passive income is not an easy feat. Just blog away and try and get better at it. Learn as you go.
I hope this blog is monetized - again - see I am just not that tech savy - but getting better.
And, oh my goodness I have not gotten any comments so I am sure something is messed up on here.
Maybe, I need to get that blogging book - blogging for dummies.
Have a great day!
Your Diva Money Saver
I found for me that Google Adsense will pay you once you meet your pay threshold. So you might be getting very trivial amounts from adds or mouse clicks (traffic). But Google Adsense is a legitimate pay module that does send you a cheque once your payment threshold is reached. Proof is in the pudding as they say. I am very happy to announce that I got a two figure pay-out and it paid for a very nice lunch out. I am hoping the amount will be higher down the road. I figure that this has been alloted to me after months and months of blogging. So, really this passive income is nothing grand to report but again - better - than nothing!
I am truly praying that another source of passive income will be from Affiliate Adds. So below I have added these adds so you know what I am talking about.
One way of making a passive income is to join an Affiliate Add company.
Webmasters Make $$$
Another love of my life are Comics. Whether or not you are a Spiderman Lover or any other kinda Super-Hero lover just click on the link below to see the collection - you won't be sorry! Every kid's bedroom wall would look great with one of the posters of their favourite Super-hero!
Look at that a Squid Angel is blessing this blog - way to go

The reason I am banking on Squidoo is that they have pay modules built right into their program. So you can have Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, Cafe Press, I-Tunes, E-bay! How cool is that?
There is also a travel module called Orbitz and you can make a commission if someone buys a trip.
I am really disappointed with my Avon Sales. Avon is a lot of work and right now it is just a hobby job for me. For me it's building up that customer base. I think that next year might be a lot better.
This is a picture of me at my first Avon Meet and Greet. I will have another one but it takes a lot of planning and you have to have a restaurant owner for example to agree to letting you use one of their tables. If the place is too busy that can be a problem.
So passive income is not an easy feat. Just blog away and try and get better at it. Learn as you go.
I hope this blog is monetized - again - see I am just not that tech savy - but getting better.
And, oh my goodness I have not gotten any comments so I am sure something is messed up on here.
Maybe, I need to get that blogging book - blogging for dummies.
Have a great day!
Your Diva Money Saver
Thursday, December 6, 2012
My Squidoo and Avon Rant
They say that time is money. Well, with Squidoo lens creation is very time consuming. You have to think of a niche that people can relate to so that you do well on your lens ranking.
I wish that they would just automatically enroll you in the Giant Squid Club because you have to have enough of a lens rank to your lenses to be able to join. They can exclude you for a time if you do not rank high enough. Once I have created 100 lenses then I will take the gamble and join the club.

Squidoo is really a numbers game. If you have a lot of lenses you increase your chances of someone actually buying something off of your lens. You see, Squidoo has Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, I-Tunes, and Cafe Press - pay modules. And, Google Adsense apparently is built right into the program. So, I believe there is nothing you have to do to activate this on your Squidoo lens. If I am wrong about that I wish someone would let me know. No, I think that I am right about that.
I spent a great deal of time yesterday tweeking Squidoo lenses that had gone from green to red. About 10 of them if I am not mistaken. That to me is so heart breaking - cause - I think that my time is worth money.
So, is Squidoo ever going to pay off? The answer to that question is - maybe! According to what I have read about Squidoo they do rank each and every lens. They divide up all the add revenue between all the high ranking lenses - meaning - your best lenses - and you should get a percentage of that. One of the kickers is this - you might make $5.00 after being on Squidoo for months. Whereas a guy named Captain Squid had claimed that he had made a $500.00 a day pay day on Squidoo. That might be true - but - I see that he now has his own website. So, I would be very interested to know if he still belongs to the Squidoo community?
I see that a few people are trying to sell Squidoo lenses. Now wait a minute here. If your trying to make money why would you buy someone else's lenses? Maybe cause the lens is doing really well and you can get a lot of traffic from that lens! Ok, but there really is no guarantee is there! You would think that someone with a great lens would want to hang on to their lens for dear life - especially - if it is a money generator.
Here is a picture of me at my very first Avon Meet and Greet. Yes, I gave out a lot of free samples and got to know some of the neighbours! And, it was fun. I will have to do it again one day.
My Avon hobby is slow and I think to make money you really have to get into recruiting. That means downloading flyers and handing them out everywhere. Not sure if I am up to that just yet. I am putting some thought into it. I read about a lady in the UK who of course had help from her significant other and she said they got into recruiting and then her earnings with Avon jumped sky high. I think she is the very first Millionaire Avon lady - I wish! Even to get into President's Club you need $12,000.00 per year in sales. So, you need a lot of steady customers who order big. Maybe I need to create an Avon webite for myself but again - not - too sure about taking orders from strangers on-line. You know what I mean! So, I just do my friends and family and local neighbourhood for now. No wonder my feet hurt from walking the beat - I should have been a police officer not an Avon lady.
Talk to you all soon.
Your Diva Money Saver
I wish that they would just automatically enroll you in the Giant Squid Club because you have to have enough of a lens rank to your lenses to be able to join. They can exclude you for a time if you do not rank high enough. Once I have created 100 lenses then I will take the gamble and join the club.

Squidoo is really a numbers game. If you have a lot of lenses you increase your chances of someone actually buying something off of your lens. You see, Squidoo has Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, I-Tunes, and Cafe Press - pay modules. And, Google Adsense apparently is built right into the program. So, I believe there is nothing you have to do to activate this on your Squidoo lens. If I am wrong about that I wish someone would let me know. No, I think that I am right about that.
I spent a great deal of time yesterday tweeking Squidoo lenses that had gone from green to red. About 10 of them if I am not mistaken. That to me is so heart breaking - cause - I think that my time is worth money.
So, is Squidoo ever going to pay off? The answer to that question is - maybe! According to what I have read about Squidoo they do rank each and every lens. They divide up all the add revenue between all the high ranking lenses - meaning - your best lenses - and you should get a percentage of that. One of the kickers is this - you might make $5.00 after being on Squidoo for months. Whereas a guy named Captain Squid had claimed that he had made a $500.00 a day pay day on Squidoo. That might be true - but - I see that he now has his own website. So, I would be very interested to know if he still belongs to the Squidoo community?
I see that a few people are trying to sell Squidoo lenses. Now wait a minute here. If your trying to make money why would you buy someone else's lenses? Maybe cause the lens is doing really well and you can get a lot of traffic from that lens! Ok, but there really is no guarantee is there! You would think that someone with a great lens would want to hang on to their lens for dear life - especially - if it is a money generator.
Here is a picture of me at my very first Avon Meet and Greet. Yes, I gave out a lot of free samples and got to know some of the neighbours! And, it was fun. I will have to do it again one day.
My Avon hobby is slow and I think to make money you really have to get into recruiting. That means downloading flyers and handing them out everywhere. Not sure if I am up to that just yet. I am putting some thought into it. I read about a lady in the UK who of course had help from her significant other and she said they got into recruiting and then her earnings with Avon jumped sky high. I think she is the very first Millionaire Avon lady - I wish! Even to get into President's Club you need $12,000.00 per year in sales. So, you need a lot of steady customers who order big. Maybe I need to create an Avon webite for myself but again - not - too sure about taking orders from strangers on-line. You know what I mean! So, I just do my friends and family and local neighbourhood for now. No wonder my feet hurt from walking the beat - I should have been a police officer not an Avon lady.
Talk to you all soon.
Your Diva Money Saver
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
My Squidoo Passion and Passive Income Success
Yes! Today is a good day! I finally made a little passive income from Google Adsense.
So, a two figure income may not be nothing much to brag about but it did lift my spirits. I suspect that there were enough mouse clicks to add up over time or that someone actually bought something from one of the google adds. It is just a guessing game really what generated the income. So, finally some passive income success.
I started doing a few on-line surveys but after doing just a few I hate to tell you this - surveys - are just too time consuming. Lots of time for little reward. So, I don't think this type of passive income is going to work out for me.

My hopes and dreams still lie ahead with Squidoo. Oh my goodness - if Squidoo does not pan out I will be heart broken. I just love how easy Squidoo is to use. Everything is built right into the program. You cannot say that for too many other writing platforms out there.
I found that Hub Pages was a little too simple and not as user friendly. Others may argue they like Hub Pages better - but - so far Squidoo has me hook, line, and sinker.
I should really read more about Affiliate Marketing because I do believe in the long run that those type of adds on your blog will reward you with some type of income.
Again, I am put off by all of the high maintenance that Squidoo demands. That is my biggest problem with Squidoo. Today I have 10 works in progress. Ok out of 70 or more lenses that is not too bad - but - I think as soon as you get one back in the green another one drops off into the red.
This Squidoo high maintenance gives you a big headache because it prevents you from creating your next great lens. So, now I am ignoring some of the lenses that are not doing so well and concentrating on making even better lenses.
With Christmas just around the corner we are all trying to make a little more money on-line. This is no easy feat. I envy people who have mastered the art.
My Avon hobby is not enough to really call a business just yet! I really blame Optimum Points at Shopper's Drug-mart. I mean who can really compete with that? I do love my regular customers though and hope by next year I can turn a hobby into a fun job. I just keep giving out the brochures to new people and always my regular customers. For some reason I am ok with sending e-brochures but not too savy about putting my Avon on-line. I believe in seeing my customers face to face.
So here I am again, hoping and praying to making more of a passive income on-line. I refuse to give into any get rich quick schemes because what seems to be too good to be true - usually is!
I got my Rogers cell phone and cable bundle knocked down a bit this month - so that helps. You have to keep after those people for any specials or you can really get racked in.
Yes, I am cooking more to save money. But, the problem this month is good old Saint Nick. Yes, there is a spending Santa Claus in my heart. I usually am too good to people at Xmas. I need to cut down my list this year that is for sure!
So, enough crying on everyone's shoulder. I know I cannot count on winning the lottery. So, it all boils down to using good old fashioned common sense. You know, finding that piggy bank mentality and sticking with it.
Hey, I am not sure the comments section here is working. See how non-tech savy I am!
Another love of my life are Comics. Whether or not you are a Spiderman Lover or any other kinda Super-Hero lover just click on the link below to see the collection - you won't be sorry! Every kids bedroom wall would look great with one of the posters of their favourite Super-hero!

If your an Art lover not a problem. Just check out below this great way to buy art for someone you care about! I hear that on-line shopping is going to be big this time of year.

I guess that is it for now.
Your Diva Money Saver
So, a two figure income may not be nothing much to brag about but it did lift my spirits. I suspect that there were enough mouse clicks to add up over time or that someone actually bought something from one of the google adds. It is just a guessing game really what generated the income. So, finally some passive income success.
I started doing a few on-line surveys but after doing just a few I hate to tell you this - surveys - are just too time consuming. Lots of time for little reward. So, I don't think this type of passive income is going to work out for me.

My hopes and dreams still lie ahead with Squidoo. Oh my goodness - if Squidoo does not pan out I will be heart broken. I just love how easy Squidoo is to use. Everything is built right into the program. You cannot say that for too many other writing platforms out there.
I found that Hub Pages was a little too simple and not as user friendly. Others may argue they like Hub Pages better - but - so far Squidoo has me hook, line, and sinker.
I should really read more about Affiliate Marketing because I do believe in the long run that those type of adds on your blog will reward you with some type of income.
Again, I am put off by all of the high maintenance that Squidoo demands. That is my biggest problem with Squidoo. Today I have 10 works in progress. Ok out of 70 or more lenses that is not too bad - but - I think as soon as you get one back in the green another one drops off into the red.
This Squidoo high maintenance gives you a big headache because it prevents you from creating your next great lens. So, now I am ignoring some of the lenses that are not doing so well and concentrating on making even better lenses.
With Christmas just around the corner we are all trying to make a little more money on-line. This is no easy feat. I envy people who have mastered the art.
My Avon hobby is not enough to really call a business just yet! I really blame Optimum Points at Shopper's Drug-mart. I mean who can really compete with that? I do love my regular customers though and hope by next year I can turn a hobby into a fun job. I just keep giving out the brochures to new people and always my regular customers. For some reason I am ok with sending e-brochures but not too savy about putting my Avon on-line. I believe in seeing my customers face to face.
So here I am again, hoping and praying to making more of a passive income on-line. I refuse to give into any get rich quick schemes because what seems to be too good to be true - usually is!
I got my Rogers cell phone and cable bundle knocked down a bit this month - so that helps. You have to keep after those people for any specials or you can really get racked in.
Yes, I am cooking more to save money. But, the problem this month is good old Saint Nick. Yes, there is a spending Santa Claus in my heart. I usually am too good to people at Xmas. I need to cut down my list this year that is for sure!
So, enough crying on everyone's shoulder. I know I cannot count on winning the lottery. So, it all boils down to using good old fashioned common sense. You know, finding that piggy bank mentality and sticking with it.
Hey, I am not sure the comments section here is working. See how non-tech savy I am!
Another love of my life are Comics. Whether or not you are a Spiderman Lover or any other kinda Super-Hero lover just click on the link below to see the collection - you won't be sorry! Every kids bedroom wall would look great with one of the posters of their favourite Super-hero!
I guess that is it for now.
Your Diva Money Saver
Monday, December 3, 2012
Squidoo Is A High Maintenance Time Consumer

I am kinda unhappy tonight with Squidoo. I mean unless your on your computer day and night how in the world do you keep your lenses from going from green to red?
When your Squidoo lens goes red you will never - ever - get paid for it. So you have to add a module or two to keep them happy in Squidoo Land.
So, if your off your computer for a day or two - look out - the red lights will be turned on - you betcha!
I am still trying to figure out Blogger here. Not sure if this site is truly monetized. I am hoping some rich person will just love one of my lenses and buy something from one of the Affiliate Adds I have on my blog.
Good luck to me! Oh well, wishful thinking I suppose.
I wonder how Seth Godin got so tech ? I mean was the guy born a genius? Probably!!
If only I could dream up some blog that just everyone in the world would love - well - that is how you make money!
Should I ever get that good of an idea I would have to hire a webmaster to set up the blog and get it going for me.
What I do love about Squidoo is that it is so user friendly and it is monetized with adsense built right in. So, you don`t even have to worry about anything. And, with just a few key strokes - you can add - so many pay modules.
I guess Squidoo has me hook, line, and sinker for now.
Just like Facebook - the creator - was a genius!
Facebook and Squidoo make their creator`s tons of money. Oh ya!
Your Frustrated
Diva Money Saver
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