I wish that they would just automatically enroll you in the Giant Squid Club because you have to have enough of a lens rank to your lenses to be able to join. They can exclude you for a time if you do not rank high enough. Once I have created 100 lenses then I will take the gamble and join the club.

Squidoo is really a numbers game. If you have a lot of lenses you increase your chances of someone actually buying something off of your lens. You see, Squidoo has Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, E-Bay, I-Tunes, and Cafe Press - pay modules. And, Google Adsense apparently is built right into the program. So, I believe there is nothing you have to do to activate this on your Squidoo lens. If I am wrong about that I wish someone would let me know. No, I think that I am right about that.
I spent a great deal of time yesterday tweeking Squidoo lenses that had gone from green to red. About 10 of them if I am not mistaken. That to me is so heart breaking - cause - I think that my time is worth money.
So, is Squidoo ever going to pay off? The answer to that question is - maybe! According to what I have read about Squidoo they do rank each and every lens. They divide up all the add revenue between all the high ranking lenses - meaning - your best lenses - and you should get a percentage of that. One of the kickers is this - you might make $5.00 after being on Squidoo for months. Whereas a guy named Captain Squid had claimed that he had made a $500.00 a day pay day on Squidoo. That might be true - but - I see that he now has his own website. So, I would be very interested to know if he still belongs to the Squidoo community?
I see that a few people are trying to sell Squidoo lenses. Now wait a minute here. If your trying to make money why would you buy someone else's lenses? Maybe cause the lens is doing really well and you can get a lot of traffic from that lens! Ok, but there really is no guarantee is there! You would think that someone with a great lens would want to hang on to their lens for dear life - especially - if it is a money generator.
Here is a picture of me at my very first Avon Meet and Greet. Yes, I gave out a lot of free samples and got to know some of the neighbours! And, it was fun. I will have to do it again one day.
My Avon hobby is slow and I think to make money you really have to get into recruiting. That means downloading flyers and handing them out everywhere. Not sure if I am up to that just yet. I am putting some thought into it. I read about a lady in the UK who of course had help from her significant other and she said they got into recruiting and then her earnings with Avon jumped sky high. I think she is the very first Millionaire Avon lady - I wish! Even to get into President's Club you need $12,000.00 per year in sales. So, you need a lot of steady customers who order big. Maybe I need to create an Avon webite for myself but again - not - too sure about taking orders from strangers on-line. You know what I mean! So, I just do my friends and family and local neighbourhood for now. No wonder my feet hurt from walking the beat - I should have been a police officer not an Avon lady.
Talk to you all soon.
Your Diva Money Saver
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