Squidoo would make a great game. Think about it! My writing is hot off the presses and a Squid Angel decides to bless my lens. Wow, very angelic. This game is fun!

Next I have written enough good quality lenses that I can even join the Giant Squid Club. Wow, how cool is that. Well - that doesn`t necessarily mean they will accept me right off the bat. Gosh, more paper work just to apply!
And, just like any other game Squidoo has rules. If by chance, I forgot to follow all of their rules they can lock out any one of my lenses. Ouch! I think just about everyone at some point in the early days of Squidoo has had a lens or two locked out! I just delete those ones and l carry on. After all I want to win at this game!
And, just when I do finally feel ahead of the game my Squidoo lenses start going from green to red - just like - a darn traffic light. So, ah ha they have upped the ante. This means that I have to tweek my lenses. Hopefully, I will have a few hours to play at this! This part of the game is hurtful but no harm is done because you see I am a real trooper and with my head held high - again - I just carry on writing.
Now it`s time to see what the other Squids are doing. Gosh, I have never had a lens of the day! Now, they are really making me feel bad! Is my writing really that bad? Me, who took a fiction writing course at the Chang School part of Ryerson University. And, now I am a paid writer on Squidoo. Yes, I made a whole thirteen cents for September and October. Wow, Squidoo really knows how to pay their writers. Less than minimum wage - is that - even allowed? Yes, in the Squidoo rule book it is!
The Squidoo community is the fun part of the game where other Squid hopefuls give comments, the thumbs up, and even Squid like your lens. Wow, that really is fun! Then in return you are critiquing your fellow Squid lenses and sometimes that is a lot of reading and to tell you the truth - more time - from my own valuable writing. But, guess what? This whole process helps me to build better and better lenses.
Just the small chance of someone buying something off of one of my pay modules from one of my many lenses really makes me want have more playtime. It is after all a game of chance you see. I mean who really knows in the world of the internet who will buy something off of one of my Amazon modules, or maybe Cafe Press, or E-Bay, or Orbitz, or maybe I-Tunes? Do you feel that adrenal rush? Yes, the Squidoo game is really starting to heat up. The chance of possibly having a big Squidoo payday is now dancing in my head. Now you get it!
I made a two figure income from google adsense this month - and - I am sure it was because someone bought something. That sure was a nice surprise. I need more surprises. Or, there were enough people going into the adds on the page and the click rate was really good. Wow, a whole added feature to the game. The unknown! Maybe someone bought something from one of my Affiliate adds on my blogger page? Yes, my blogger pages go right into my Squidoo lenses with an RSS Feed. Again, I don`t know what I am doing but it sure is fun!
As your Money Diva I have to tell you this Squidoo writing platform takes time to win. It is a game of chicken really. I mean you chase after the dream ...... of becoming rich from blogging ..... and you wake up the next morning - disappointed time and time again. So, why do I keep playing (writing)? Cause you can get addicted to Squidoo. Yes, the more lenses you write the more addicted you get.
And, someone out there is cashing in on Squidoo Addict Mugs, and T-Shirts. A great gig if you can get it!
And, another thing - a guy named Captain Squid claims at one time to have made a $500.00 a day pay day from Squidoo. Great headline Captain Squid who-ever you are! Now, Captain Squid has e-books on Amazon, T-Shirts and Mugs on Cafe Press. He is really raking in the money.
And, Seth Godin, the creator of Squidoo - well - he is an inter-net genius and has authored countless books. He has lots of You Tube videos, and is a great public speaker. Again, a very rich Squid, the big Daddy of Squidoo.
Your Diva Money Saver
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