Saturday, December 8, 2012

Trying to Make A Passive Income From Blogging

I thought today I would talk about trying to get a passive income from blogging. There are countless e-books and quick get rich schemes out there - so - buyer beware. But, come on what really works?

I found for me that Google Adsense will pay you once you meet your pay threshold. So you might be getting very trivial amounts from adds or mouse clicks (traffic). But Google Adsense is a legitimate pay module that does send you a cheque once your payment threshold is reached. Proof is in the pudding as they say. I am very happy to announce that I got a two figure pay-out and it paid for a very nice lunch out. I am hoping the amount will be higher down the road. I figure that this has been alloted to me after months and months of blogging. So, really this passive income is nothing grand to report but again - better - than nothing!

I am truly praying  that another source of passive income will be from Affiliate Adds. So below I have added these adds so you know what I am talking about.

One way of making a passive income is to join an Affiliate Add company.

Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

Another love of my life are Comics. Whether or not you are a Spiderman Lover or any other kinda Super-Hero lover just click on the link below to see the collection - you won't be sorry! Every kid's bedroom wall would look great with one of the posters of their favourite Super-hero!

Look at that a Squid Angel is blessing this blog - way to go
Yes Squidoo is another way to make a passive income on line but you have to be dedicated and make a lot of lenses. With Squidoo I really think that it is a numbers game. The more lenses you create the higher your chances of a  pay day from Squidoo. If you have 100 lenses that pay out lets say 1.00 each that would be $100.00. A guy called Captain Squid claims that he made a $500.00 a day pay day with Squidoo. I am no where near that my pay out - so far - my pay out has been a big fat zero. But, they claim it takes a few months to see any money. So again here's hoping!

The reason I am banking on Squidoo is that they have pay modules built right into their program. So you can have Amazon, Amazon Search, Amazon Recommendation, Cafe Press, I-Tunes, E-bay! How cool is that?
There is also a travel module called Orbitz and you can make a commission if someone buys a trip.

I am really disappointed with my Avon Sales. Avon is a lot of work and right now it is just a hobby job for me. For me it's building up that customer base. I think that next year might be a lot better.

This is a picture of me at my first Avon Meet and Greet. I will have another one but it takes a lot of planning and you have to have a restaurant owner for example to agree to letting you use one of their tables. If the place is too busy that can be a problem.

So passive income is not an easy feat. Just blog away and try and get better at it. Learn as you go.

I hope this blog is monetized - again - see I am just not that tech savy - but getting better.

And, oh my goodness I have not gotten any comments so I am sure something is messed up on here.

Maybe, I need to get that blogging book - blogging for dummies.

Have a great day!

Your Diva Money Saver

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