Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blogger Rising Stars

Every blogger out there wants to become a rising star in the inter-net world. I love blogging because I love to write. You just have to believe in yourself and just keep writing and hope that some wonderful people out there will read your blog and appreciate what your trying to tell them.

I already have talked about who blogs about a variety of inter-net subjects. She is probably not rich but she sure is a rising star!

Another person Susan52 is a Squidoo lensmaster and she does have an e-book on Amazon called: I Squidoo do You? She is another sure fire rising star!

One of the brightest stars in the sky is Seth Godin. I love Seth because he has authored countless books and guess what he is the creator of Squidoo. Just watch this you tube video of Seth Godin. He is a genius by far.
In this video he talks about failing until you succeed. Well how true that is!

I am very excited as your Diva Money Saver to let you know that although I am not big on surveys one survey that excites me right now is called - this survey company actually pays out cash. If you join as an Affiliate you get one dollar for everyone who joins up and does a survey. To join up and do a survey please go to: You will also help me make some passive income.

Poster lovers:  If you want to make some passive income as an Affiliate just join below: Webmasters Make $$$ Webmasters Make $$$

One money saving tip I want to mention is at this time of year always go to the mall with a list.

One thing I really want to learn and I will be researching it is how to sell items on e-bay.

I think some of the free classifieds like Kijjii are a little more simple to use. You just take a picture and post it on the site and then leave your information. Never ever leave a phone number - for security reasons - just leave an e-mail address.

Well, I am hoping that on Squidoo that I will be soon a rising star! Will see on their next payday if I make more than thirteen cents.

Thanks for dropping by.

Your Diva Money Saver

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