It wasn't until today I really got fuming mad with Squidoo. Come on how many times are they going to throw your lens from green into the red telling you that it is a work in progress? Does Squidoo think that the only thing us bloggers have to do is - update our Squidoo lenses- morning - noon - and night? I am sorry but I have a life.
I realized right from the get go - that they have set Squidoo up - as a type of writing game! Yes, you win trophies, points, go up a level or two - but - the high maintenance of each lens is just a little much.
Maybe you think I am not dedicated enough? But, oh yes I am - big time! I suppose it is partly my fault because I think you need hundreds of good quality lenses to make any real money from Squidoo.
The September / October Squidoo hopper has a huge thirteen cents in it. That is enough to make you laugh yourself silly. I mean come on a whole thirteen cents. Well, at least I know something is working.
I got saved this month by google adsense who sent me a two figure payment - so- I got a nice dinner out! So, again something, somewhere is working.
No I probably will never become a famous blogger like Captain Squid, John Chow, Susan52, Potpiegirl, and tons of others who claim to be making big money from blogging. Oh ya, there is the Wealthy Affiliate - we wouldn't want to leave him out.
For me blogging sometimes reminds me of going out on a bad date. You have fun at first and then it get's a little like - you wanna - run away - as fast as you can!
Maybe if I see some real progress - dollar wise - with Squidoo - I will change my tune!
For me right now - Google Adsense rocks!
I feel sorry for all the new bloggers out there - me included - because you don't want to get scammed! Everyone out there has that sure fire system that will make you tons of money. Again, like when your on
on-line dating - all the faces and the promises - what they can offer - all seem the same after awhile.
Just like being careful dating you have to be careful with all the on-line guru's promising you the moon and back.
For me - I just might as well pick up that book - blogging for dummies - cause that is what it is boiling down to.
I still have to google - why are my comments not working on my Blogger blog?
Anyway, I am all blogged out now - so I will talk to you later!
Your Diva Money Saver
1 comment:
I don't know why comments are not working on here!
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