Sunday, December 9, 2012

Squidoo Mania and Squidoo Addiction

I am a great believer that Squidoo is going to make me money. Right now I have over 70 lenses and still writing strong on that platform. I love Squidoo. Call it Squidoo Mania or Squidoo Addiction - I don`t care!
I love the fact that Squidoo is so user friendly.

I find that all the pay modules on Squidoo are so easy to use and Adsense is built right into the program. Who actually can beat that - no one!

The only thing I don`t like about Squidoo is even if someone buys something from a pay module there is a two month lag in a Squidoo pay day!

Another mystery is lens rank. It must have something to do with your ranking on google but I am not completely sure of that.

I am happy to announce that I made a two figure income from Adsense. I do believe it was from a grand number of months and just added up to my pay out threshold amount. Otherwise someone bought something  from a Google Adsense add. I am not complaining because I am still working for less than minimum wage for my writing. My fingers are crossed for a great Squidoo pay day really soon.

A guy called Captain Squid claims that he made a $500.00 per day pay day from Squidoo. That was some time ago and I know he has his own website - so not sure he is still a Squidooer.

A lady named also has an e-book for sale on  e-bay. So this lady must be a great Squidooer to be able to sell an e-book from Amazon. I am not that tech savy. She must be one smart lady. I subscribed to her feed but have not had much time to read her wise words.

Another lady called Susan54 has an e-book called - I Squidoo Do You! I was thinking of buying it just to see what I might learn. Havn`t decided yet. But, I believe she still is doing Squidoo lenses. Another smart lady!

I do put all my blogger RSS feeds on my Squidoo lenses. So, hopefully that is helping me on google. Always share with facebook and twitter and google + that will help you get traffic to your site.

I am truly praying  that another source of passive income will be from Affiliate Adds. So below I have added these adds so you know what I am talking about.

One way of making a passive income is to join an Affiliate Add company.

Webmasters Make $$$
Webmasters Make $$$

If you love posters just click on the link below. There are awesome posters on here - you won`t be disappointed.

Well, that is about it for me today unless later I get some devine inspiration.


Your Diva Money Saver

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